Why was there a revolution in France in 1789

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 Why was there a revolution in France in 1789?

The causes of the revolution in France can be divided it to long-term causes and short term causes. The main long-term cause was the way in which the country was run. The ‘ancien regime’ was the period in France before the revolution of 1789. There was royal despotism, heavy taxes, the parlements had no real power and the church was also exploiting the peasants. The main short-term causes were the American war of Independence, the financial crisis in France and the unwillingness for the King and church to change.

 During the ‘ancien regime’ the country was divided into estates. The first estate was the clergy, the second estate were the nobles and the third were the peasants, the King was its head. The idea of having estates is that all of the estates represent different things, but none of the estates can work together without the other, which was partially true. The King apparently controlled all of the estates and was the most vital part of the machine that was the estates.

The First estate was extremely rich and powerful, far more than the Monarch. The members of the first estate generally had good lives and were opposed to the ideas of reform from the king and the ‘enlightened nobility’. This had a detrimental effect on the ability for the regime to modernise and ‘abide’ with new ideas.

The Second estate made up 1-2 % of the population of France. They were not always as wealthy as they would like to portray but they usually had large estates and many peasants that worked for them. The nobility were generally satisfied with regime in the country, although this was understandable because they were wealthy and they had some power, this was not the case with all the notables though.

A minority of the nobles were dissatisfied with the situation in France. They new that they had no real power, and they also knew that the King was an absolutist ruler. This combined with the ‘enlightenment’, which was produced by the Philosophers like Rousseau, may have been considered to form the base of a revolution, but it would have never flourished without other factors. Many members of the nobility also held seats in Parlements, which were up for sale. This resulted in the important seats on the councils not being filled by people that are competent, but by people that have enough to please the monarch and their extravagant lives.

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The third estate made up approximately 98% of France. Most of them were peasants, working on increasing small pieces of land that they rented from their ‘lord’ from an extortionate amount of money, or they worked in the factories in the cities, were the working and living conditions were atrocious. Although in the present day state of mind, were it is uncommon for somebody not to be educated, it is hard to realise that these people were contempt in life. As I explained earlier, the 1st estate had extreme power over the 3rd estate. The Peasants went to church and believed that ...

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