World War Three: the battle for political domination.

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World War Three: the battle for political domination.

By Pavan Shah

        Before I begin I would like to thank you in advance for reading this essay and also warn you that for the benefits of those without degrees in Global politics, many sections are simplified.


        The planet earth is inhabited with countless millions of different species each with unique abilities to survive in their own habitat. In these include the great beasts such as lions and cheaters, as well as the mass numbers of humble insects. However the most dominant creature in not the strongest, nor the most numerous, but the most intelligent. Man is capable of creating objects to survive and develop, our own ingenuity giving us the ability to adapt to survive all of natures evils, but our selves.

         Our great intelligence allows us to govern ourselves, and to be able to work together, like a sophisticated pack of wolves. It is in this issue of governing I believe mankind is most divided. All though there are countless ways of governing from absolute monarchy to the demos of the ancient Greeks, in today’s society there are four super giants of the political world.

First there is central democracy. A modern example of this is Great Britain. Democracies like these run upon capitalism, using taxation a confidence-empowered currency to fund government. They are elected by public vote and offer some communal help with a “welfare state”.

Secondly there are right-wing democracies. A modern example is America. These governments also operate using a capitalist taxation method of funding, although taxation, and there fore benefits are considerably less. These countries usually have an insatiable need for the feeling they are free, this results in many of their constitutions ensuring rights that may seem somewhat unnecessary, for example every American has the right to hold arms, and own property. However even with these liberties some individuals still feel oppressed, this results in “home-grown terrorism”.

These first two capitalist forms of government are largely secular and are the most developed states in the world today. But there is an unfortunate inevitability about capitalism that as well as making it ethically incorrect, also economically doomed! This leads me on the next form of government: Communism!

Although there are many forms of communism, I will look at the most popular two forms of Marxist Communism, the Leninists, and the Stalinists.

Marxist Communism is basically built around the idea of an undivided union of people working for a common goal that benefits the community as a whole. This simply sets people in to three categories of occupation. The leaders, which set the goals. The police who enforce the decision, and most importantly the workforce that carries out the tasks set, as Stalin said, “It is the workers who are the heroes”. This system is far more stable than capitalism for three main reasons. There is no concept of completion, there is no need for trade, and there is no need for a currency. Despite the central and right wing democracies despise communism they both reserve the power to run their states in a communist fashion in an emergency. By the virtue that the state controls all a community’s commodities, many of the liberties granted by the capitalist democracies are removed. Although many capitalists defensively claim communism does not work, it has had some credible success stories over its lifetime, despite the fact that true a communist take over of capitalism has never occurred. Three examples of communist success are, the red armies victory in the Russian civil war, when against the white army backed by several capitalist nations, (Britain, America etc). The resistance of the invasion of Russia during WWII, (and the soviet advance that followed). Finally the success of the more recent communist china as a highly developed state.

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The last group in the worldwide bid for power are in my opinion the most threatening, the Islamic Fundamentalists. These organizations for example Al-Qua’ida do not have the extensive funds of the capitalists, nor the solid economy and leadership of communism, but they are the most dangerous because it is next to impossible to abolish them. Capitalism needs but a minor fall in the economy to collapse (wall street crash), if you can damage the great economy of the communist, or make them loose their leaders the system will break down (collapse of Russia). But Islamic fundamentalists cannot be ...

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