Core Capabilities.

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Debate about the nature and strategic importance of firms' distinctive capabilities has been heightened by the recent assertion that Japanese firms understand, nurture and exploit their core competencies better than their U.S.-based competitors (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). This paper explores the interaction of such capabilities with a critical strategic activity: the development of new products and processes. In responding to environmental and market changes, development projects become the focal point for tension between innovation and the status quo--microcosms of the paradoxical organizational struggle to maintain, yet renew or replace core capabilities.

In this paper, I first examine the history of core capabilities, briefly review relevant literature, and describe a field-based study providing illustrative data. The paper then turns to a deeper description of the nature of core capabilities and detailed evidence about their symbiotic relationship with development projects. However, evidence from the field suggests the need to enhance emerging theory by examining the way that capabilities inhibit as well as enable development, and these arguments are next presented. The paper concludes with a discussion of the project/capabilities interaction as a paradox faced by project managers, observed management tactics, and the potential of product/process development projects to stimulate change.


Capabilities are considered core if they differentiate a company strategically. The concept is not new. Various authors have called them distinctive competences (Snow and Hrebiniak, 1980; Hitt and Ireland, 1985), core or organizational competencies (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990; Hayes, Wheelwright and Clark, 1988), firm-specific competence (Pavitt 1991), resource deployments (Hofer and Schendel, 1978), and invisible assets (Itami, with Roehl, 1987). Their strategic significance has been discussed for decades, stimulated by such research as Rumelt's (1974) discovery that of nine diversification strategies, the two that were built on an existing skill or resource base in the firm were associated with the highest performance. Mitchell's (1989) observation that industry-specific capabilities increased the likelihood a firm could exploit a new technology within that industry, has confirmed the early work. Therefore some authors suggest that effective competition is based less on strategic leaps than on incremental innovation that exploits carefully developed capabilities (Hayes, 1985; Quinn, 1980).

On the other hand, institutionalized capabilities may lead to 'incumbent inertia' (Lieberman and Montgomery, 1988) in the faced of environmental changes. Technological discontinuities can enhance or destroy existing competencies within an industry (Tushman and Anderson, 1986). Such shifts in the external environment resonate within the organization, so that even 'seemingly minor' innovations can undermine the usefulness of deeply embedded knowledge (Henderson and requires some degree of 'creative destruction' (Schumpeter, 1942).

Thus at any given point in a corporation's history, core capabilities are evolving, and corporate survival depends upon successfully managing that evolution. New product and process development projects are obvious, visible arenas for conflict between the need for innovation and retention of important capabilities. Managers of such projects face a paradox: core capabilities simultaneously enhance and inhibit development.(1) Development projects reveal friction between technology strategy and current corporate practices; they also spearhead potential new strategic directions (Burgelman, 1991). However, most studies of industrial innovation focus on the new product project as a self-contained unit of analysis, and address such issues as project staffing or structure (Souder, 1987; Leonard-Barton, 1988a; Clark and Fujimoto, 1991. Chapter 9).(2) Therefore there is little research-based knowledge on managing the interface between the project and the organization, and the interaction between development and capabilities in particular. Observing core capabilities through the lens of the project places under a magnifying glass one aspect of the 'part-whole' problem of innovation management, which Van de Ven singles out as ' p!erhaps the most significant structural problem in managing complex organizations today...' (1986:598).

Recent field research on 20 new product and process development projects provided an opportunity to explore and conceptually model the relationship between development practices and a firm's core capabilities. As described in the Appendix, four extensive case studies in each of five companies (Ford, Chaparral Steel, Hewlett Packard, and two anonymous companies, Electronics and Chemicals) were conducted by joint teams of academics and practitioners.(3) (Table 1).(Table 1 omitted) Before describing the interactions observed in the field, I first define core capabilities.


Writers often assume that descriptors of core capabilities such as 'unique,' 'distinctive,' 'difficult to imitate,' or 'superior to competition' render the term self-explanatory, especially if reference is also made to 'resource deployment' or 'skills.' A few authors include activities such as 'collective learning' and explain how competence is and is not cultivated (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). Teece, Pisano and Shuen provide one of the clearest definitions: 'a set of differentiated skills, complementary assets, and routines that provide the basis for a firm's competitive capacities and sustainable advantage in a particular business' (1990: 28).

In this article, I adopt a knowledge-based view of the firm and define a core capability as the knowledge set that distinguishes and provides a competitive advantage. There are four dimensions to this knowledge set. Its content is embodied in (1) employee knowledge and skills and embedded in (2) technical systems. The processes of knowledge creation and control are guided by (3) managerial systems. The fourth dimension is (4) the values and norms associated with the various types of embodied and embedded knowledge and with the processes of knowledge creation and control. In managerial literature, this fourth dimension is usually separated from the others or ignored.(4) However, understanding it is crucial to managing both new product/process development and core capabilities.

The first dimension, knowledge and skills embodied in people, is the one most often associated with core capabilities (Teece et al., 1990) and the one most obviously relevant to new product development. This knowledge/skills dimension encompasses both firm-specific techniques and scientific understanding. The second, knowledge embedded in technical systems, results from years of accumulating, codifying and structuring the tacit knowledge in peoples' heads. Such physical production or information systems represent compilations of knowledge, usually derived from multiple individual sources; therefore the whole technical system is greater than the sum of its parts. This knowledge constitutes both information (e.g. a data base of product tests conducted over decades) and procedures (e.g. proprietary design rules.) The third dimension, managerial systems, represents formal and informal ways of creating knowledge (e.g. through sabbaticals, apprenticeship programs or networks with partners) and of controlling knowledge (e.g. incentive systems and reporting structures).

Infused through these three dimensions is the fourth: the value assigned within the company to the content and structure of knowledge (e.g. chemical engineering vs. marketing expertise; 'open-systems' software vs. proprietary systems), means of collecting knowledge (e.g. formal degrees v. experience) and controlling knowledge (e.g. individual empowerment vs. management hierarchies). Even physical systems embody values. For instance, organizations that have a strong tradition of individual vs. centralized control over information prefer an architecture (software and hardware) that allows much autonomy at each network node. Such 'debatable, overt, espoused values' (Schein, 1984: 4) are one 'manifestation' of the corporate culture (Schein, 1986: 7).(5)

Core capabilities are 'institutionalized' (Zucker, 1977). That is, they are part of the organization's taken-for-granted reality, which is an accretion of decisions made over time and events in corporate history (Kimberly, 1987; Tucker, Singh and Meinhard, 1990; Pettigrew, 1979). The technology embodied in technical systems and skills usually traces its roots back to the firm's first products. Managerial systems evolve over time in response to employees' evolving interpretation of their organizational roles (Giddens, 1984) and to the need to reward particular actions. Values bear the 'imprint' of company founders and early leaders (Kimberly, 1987). All four dimensions of core capabilities reflect accumulated behaviors and beliefs based on early corporate successes. One advantage of core capabilities lies in this unique heritage, which is not easily imitated by would-be competitors.

Thus a core capability is an interrelated, interdependent knowledge system. See Figure 1. (Figure 1 omitted) The four dimensions may be represented in very different proportions in various capabilities. For instance, the information and procedures embedded in technical systems such as computer programs are relatively more important to credit card companies than to engineering consulting firms, since these latter firms likely rely more on the knowledge base embodied in individual employees (the skills dimension).


The interaction between development projects and capabilities lasts over a period of months or years and differs according to how completely aligned are the values skills, managerial and technical systems required by the project with those currently prevalent in the firm. (See Figure 2). (Figure 2 omitted) Companies in the study described above identified a selected, highly traditional and strongly held capability and then one project at each extreme of alignment: highly congruent vs. not at all (Table 2). (Table 2 omitted) Degree of congruence does not necessarily reflect project size, or technical or market novelty. Chaparral's horizontal caster and Ford's new luxury car, for instance, were neither incremental enhancements nor small undertakings. Nor did incongruent projects necessarily involve 'radical' innovations, by market or technological measures. Electronic's new workstation used readily available, 'state-of-the-shelf' components. Rather, unaligned projects were nontraditional for the organization along several dimensions of the selected core capability.

For instance, Chemicals' project developing a new polymer used in film drew heavily on traditional values, skills and systems. In this company, film designers represent the top five percent of all engineers. All projects associated with film are high status, and highly proprietary technical systems have evolved to produce it. In contrast. the printer project was nontraditional. The key technical systems. for instance, were hardware rather than chemical or polymer and required mechanical engineering and software skills. Similarly, whereas the spectrum analyzer project at Hewlett Packard built on traditional capabilities in designing measurement equipment, the 150 terminal as a personal computer departed from conventional strengths. The 150 was originally conceived as a terminal for the HP3000, an industrial computer already on the market and as a terminal, was closely aligned with traditional capabilities. The attempt to transform the 150 into a personal computer was not very successful because different technical and marketing capabilities were required. Moreover, the greater system complexity represented by a stand-alone computer (e.g. the need for disk drives) required very untraditional cross-divisional cooperation.

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Similar observations could be made about the other projects featured in Table 2. Chaparral's horizontal caster pushed the traditional science of molds to new heights, whereas the arc saw required capabilities that turned out to be unavailable. The local area networks project at Electronics grew directly out of networking expertise, whereas the new RISC/UNIX workstation challenged dominant and proprietary software/hardware architecture. At Ford, the three car projects derived to varying degrees from traditional strengths--specially the new luxury car. However, the air-conditioner compressor had never been built in-house before. Since all new product development departs somewhat from current capabilities, project ...

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