Explain in your own words the main components / features of an Management Information System and how it supports these functional areas

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Explain in your own words the main components / features of an MIS and how it supports these functional areas

MIS is a system that supports the users by giving predetermined answers, based on input query. This information is usually summarised from an information system. A good example is a store recording the weekly sales by product type and day of the week, possibly even the time of the day that they get more sales. It might not sound useful to know what time a product is sold, but it can actually help the manager that sets up a weekly rota for its staff. It also helps the store to know what to sell at certain times of the year, for example it might not be a good idea to sell t-shirts in ‘bulk’ if the country is going through a cold spell.

There are many advantages for using MIS, the main ones being very easy to use, and it is usually a quick process. It is used mainly by senior management staff. In order for a MIS to be used, it needs to meet certain standards. This controls the effectiveness of the system. The system needs to be accurate, sustainable, have consistent timelines and it needs to give confidence to the user, making sure its information meets all the criteria above.

An information system has 6 functions: input, storage, processing, output, control and feedback loops and closed and open systems.

Input: This is divided into two different segments, which are inputting the data into the system accurately. It then needs to be stored and summarised in a useful way. The other segment is done by the user. The user must inform the system about what sort of analysis he/she is expecting from the system. In some cases, this piece of information is hidden; this task is usually done by the IT department in advance of users using this system.

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Storage: In every MIS, the data must be stored with as much detail as possible. It needs to be backed up regularly to avoid data loss, which can be a tragedy. The IT department may also decide to store various summaries of data for consistency and ease of use. It is also important that the information is stored over different locations, should anything happen to the original data.

Processing: This is the action that turns data into information, so it is when it becomes useful for a business. It can be processed in two ways, simple and complex. At its ...

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