Features of database design

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Database Design                P1, M1


Understanding the features of a database……………………………………….……………………2Relational databases…………………………………………………………………………….…………2 – 4 Primary and Foreign Keys………………………………………………………………………………3 – 4 Referential integrity……………………………………………………………………………………………..4

Types of relationships…………………………………………..………………………………………………5

Understanding the features of Databases

A database is basically a collection of data that can include information on people for example names, telephone number or address. It could also include information on things such as the quantities of something, the status or location.
Normally a database is organised by fields, records and files. A field is a column; a record is a row; and a file is a complete set of records. A good example of this is a telephone book apart not being a file it does contain a list of records with each normally or at least commonly consisting of three fields which are the name, address and phone number.
A second example of a database or at least what can be used to make a database is the software Microsoft Excel, It contains columns and rows which make it a good choice for making a simple database. Below is an example of a Microsoft Excel database –

This is a database that shows students that are enrolled at a collage.

 There are many forms of databases the two examples above are two of the more well-known ones. Normally to access information from a database you need a database management system (DBMS) which is a collection of programs that lets you enter and organise a database.

Relational Databases

A relational database is a database that has multiple tables for separate categories; for example one of the tables could be a table of customers with names, addresses and phone numbers while the second table will consist of, or describe an order which will have; the product, sale price and date ect. The database is set in a way where data can be accessed or changed in different ways and not be duplicated.

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Relationships – Relationships in a relational database are used to prevent data that is not needed and also prevents you from putting the same data in twice. Relationships work by matching data in columns that normally have the same name in multiple tables.
For example a database that is used to keep information about books, there may be a table called Titles that has the information about each book such as the title, publisher and when the book was published then there is another table that has information about publishers which could have the publishers phone number and address.
So the ...

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