Illustrate the information flow between different functional areas and explain the issues related to the use of information

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Illustrate the information flow between different functional areas and explain the issues related to the use of information

Sources of information

Sales – sales will be involved with seeing what products they have sold. This is organised by many different categories. Firstly, the product and product group will be identified; from this they can see what product

Purchasing – Purchasing is The  of   or  to  the  of an organization.

Manufacturing – The manufacturing department are in charge of making a product from raw materials.

Marketing – Marketing is about  the value of a product, service or brand to  or consumers for the purpose of promoting or selling that product, service, or brand. They may have campaigns to get the businesses products well known or rebrand the business.

Finance – Finance are involved with money and future plans. They will prepare accounts like invoices, management accounts, and financial accounts for shareholders. They will also prepare wages and salaries for the employees and obtain capital and resources such as money for expansion or to pay for resources such as equipment and materials. They will also create budgets for every other department.

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Personnel – Personnel is the part of an organization concerned with the appointment, training, and welfare of employees.

Administration - Administration is the process of organising people and resources efficiently. Tasks they may do would include, emails, record keeping, meetings, opening post/sending.

Internal Information flows

Downwards – Downwards is when senior management notifies the rest of the organisation about decision takes about the direction of the company.

Upwards - Upward flow is when the staff report to the management on progress of their work and on any successes or problems management may need to address.


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