Information Retrieval tools. I have used a database to carry out my searches. I used Emerald because it was the best tool to use as it offers Boolean, limiting search, and proximity.

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Unal Olgun B016943

Coursework 2: Information retrieval tools

 Description of the Search Strategy

I have searched for the NHS (National Heal Service) because I know it is a public sector that gives out allot of information. Most of the information is important and can be very helpful. I also searched for this term so that I can improve my knowledge on how to prevent illnesses for example the flu. I have used a database to carry out my searches. I used Emerald because it was the best tool to use as it offers Boolean, limiting search, and proximity.

I have combined these terms using many functions that were available on Emerald. These were Boolean logic, using the AND, or OR, limiting the search, and phrase search. These functions allowed me to broaden my search and helped me to narrow the information.  I have used all of these functions so that I can get a really good quality of information that will help me with my study.  The only reason why I narrowed and broadened my search was to get a good authority of the material. Having a good source of authority (quality) will help me to receive maximum quality of information that is available.  Phrase search is a good function but by on its own, it is not effective. This is the reason why I used phrase search with the other functions so the results would be high in quality.  

I have also searched for terms in particular fields for example, I have searched for NHS as a phrase search. I have also use the Boolean OR and AND at the same time. In those fields I have typed health and in the other safety.  To narrow the search down I have limited the search, clicked on the dropdown list, and selected abstract because the abstract has an overview of the information so if I clicked search it would look at all the particular fields and find the information I want. An example is below…

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Most searching tools help us believe that we are getting the correct information as we search for things. To a certain extent, this is not true, as I believe that searching for information must be carried out using only formal information. To avoid misleading information, I will talk about information retrieval tools and will explain in depth of what Information science is and how the ideas from information science are being applied in the world.

Information management means gathering information and managing information. It basically focuses on information as a resource. Information management and knowledge management is being ...

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*** an important topic but the discussion is not very clear with many terms used that are not defined.