Systems Security: Threats to computers

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John Bonham                

Unit 15 – Systems Security

  • SPAM email – Unwanted mail that can cause stress, slowdowns and can mess with your hard drive.

To deal with a current situation of SPAM, you can acquire SPAM removal software, and use that to search your system and mail applications to remove all unwanted SPAM.

To prevent future cases of SPAM, install SPAM filtering software, alter ports and keep your email private without sharing it to unknown sources.

  • Viruses – These can infect a computer and corrupt, delete and alter personal, general, and system files.

To deal with a current situation of this, try running anti-virus software. If it is unable to run, try and load it from a portable device. If that doesn’t work, use search engines on the internet to gain knowledge and possible solutions to the problem at hand. If the virus has stopped any possible access to the internet from your computer, then use another source to search the internet, e.g. a friend’s computer, or an internet-enabled library.

To prevent any future viruses from infecting your computer, acquire anti-virus software, steer clear of unknown sites and material, and also use software that blocks unwanted IP’s from your network.

  • Cracking – This is when things like a combination or key is broken into, a software loss may be caused which can be replaced at a possible high cost.
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     To deal with a current situation of this, you could change any user-defined security that protects things on your system, e.g. passwords, combinations and keys.

     To prevent any future cracking on your computer, install high security software that can block a high percentage of cracking methods.

  • Hard Disk Drive failure – A distressing event that occurs very rarely. When the hard drive is booted or just while it’s running, it suddenly fails and stops working, this can cause a loss of data.

To deal with a current situation with this, you could take your failed ...

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