The Development of Object-Oriented Database Systems.

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Development of

Object-Oriented Database Systems


Over the last few years the advent of object-oriented programming and the shortfalls that existed in database technologies with respect to the requirements of today’s more complex applications have led to the development of object-oriented database systems (OODBSs). Compared to traditional relational database technology, object-oriented databases are much more powerful at modelling complex real-world problems. However, unlike relational databases, object-oriented databases are still in their formative years, and a great deal more research into the area is needed if they are take a primary role in the database market.

This report presents an overview of object-oriented concepts, aims to investigate how object-oriented databases have developed, and will endeavour to identify the strengths and weaknesses that are associated with them.

1) Introduction        

2) The Beginnings of OO        


1) Introduction

Relational database systems came about in the late 1960’s and at the time they were considered a great improvement over the previous database models. There were, and still are mostly used in traditional business systems such as stock and banking for storing large amounts of data. Today relational models are still considered to be a revolution in database technology and because they are so good at managing huge amounts of data are still by far the most widely used databases.

During the 1980’s with the emergence of much more complex applications came the realisation that the relational model showed areas of inadequacy with respect to the complex object relationships and data manipulation required by these newer applications. These limitations included the following:

  • Lack of support for new/user-defined types - e.g., there is no SQL type for jpeg images.
  • Lack of support for composite data vales - e.g., can't store a relation as an attribute value.
  • Difficulties in modelling real life complex systems and events, and the relationships between them.

The relational model is simplistic in that it views data as tables of rows columns. However, these tables can really only store basic data types such as integers, decimals, characters, strings, etc. and as such do not allow for user-defined data types.

In comparison to the simplistic model of a relational database system, object-oriented database systems include features that allow for a user-extensible type system, and complex composite data values, thus enabling the modelling of much more complex real-life business and non-business systems.

The shortfalls of the relational model together with the increasingly successful use of object methodologies in application development has led to some acceptance of the use of an object-oriented approach in database technology and as such there are several object-oriented database development systems around today to choose from.

However, aside from the advantages that object methodologies offer to database technology, there are also some drawbacks, and unlike relational database development, there has been, and still is, a clear lack of formal standards regarding the development of object-oriented databases.

2) The Beginnings of OO

Object-oriented research began back in the 1970’s as part of a project at Xerox Palo Alto Research Park (PARC) called Simula. This, along with other recognised concepts evolved into Smalltalk, the first true Object programming language and operating system.

Smalltalk evolved through several versions to become Smalltalk 80, which set a president for other OO languages, such as C, C++, and more recently Java. (see appendix 1 for OO History). Other new OO languages are coming to the fore and are mainly conforming to informal standards, thus making them available to access legacy systems that also conform to these informal standards, and for developing new value chains by connecting these disparate systems.

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An example of this is XML. XML (extensible mark up language) is able to demonstrate pages and programs using Browsers such as I.E.2 onwards and Netscape, This enables distribution and availability to users across networks with different media.

Another example is Java. Java is the latest, fully capable, object-oriented language. It has become the ‘vogue’ due to its compatibility with the Internet and Web browsers. It is designed as a portable language that can run on any web-enabled computer via that computer's Web browser. As such, it is fast becoming, the standard Internet and Intranet programming language to ...

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