The history of Hackers.

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Valuable information or valuables themselves can be stored in protected areas such as banks, stores, or even computers. Wherever they are, there will always be the threat of a criminal mastermind who will attempt to break into these protected areas. In the modern age of computers, banks are no longer the main target of extracting lucrative amounts of money illegally. In this day and age, computers hold an abundant amount of information that can access money. Criminals who break into computer systems electronically are commonly called 'Hackers'. In today's highly technological computer world, the computer hacker is digging their way through our nation's computer systems to embezzle money, create chaos, manipulate figures, and to seek enjoyment. However, hackers are even used for finding security breeches.

        The birth of hackers in the Sixties, shortly came after the advent of elite engineering students who called themselves 'Phreakers' (1). Phreakers would tap the phone lines in order to place a local or long distance phone calls for free. The motivation came from the Sixties movement to expand tech- nology from the government and large corporations to individuals (1). Phreakers were able to do this because of a mishap by Bell Telephone Systems. Bell published a journal that contained the sequence of multifrequency tones used to place a call (1). This journal was only intended for technicians that worked within the Bell telephone company; however, Bell did not realize that most engineering schools also subscribed to the technical journal (1). Before Bell realized their mistake, it had been photo copied and passed around to many other students before the journal got recalled. These engineering students then developed a box, which every Phreaker refered to it as the 'Blue Box' (1). The Blue Box would mimic tones that are used by the telephone company.

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The origin of the term Hacker is believed to come from students at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), they developed Hacker from the phrase 'Hack Writer'(2). A Hack writer describes a person that would hack at the typewriter until he or she finished their story.

The first generation of Hackers from the Sixties just experimented with software and electronic hardware (3). A computer Hacker would hack computer code, for example he would write pieces of software until it was completed. As Hackers became more knowledgeable, they would attempt to hack into the network structure that tied the government's computers with ...

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The report mentions how hackers could find security loop-holes for business's. This is known as 'Ethical Hacking', and this term isn't explained within the report. All technical terms, should be explain, to allow the examiner to fully understand each aspect of the report. The report includes grading marks, such as (1), (5) and (6). These grading marks will need to be removed before submitting to the examiner even when the teacher may have include these marks in. The report states 'Computer Virus' and 'Trojan House', however there have explained these two terms.

The report states how hackers used to break into telephone lines and this was due to a fault from Bell Telephone Systems. This is quite good, as this explains not only their actions, but the reason to why hackers were able to undertake the attacks. The paragraph is explained and justified, which I believe will achieve high marks.

In summary, the report is quite good. The report gives an in-depth description of how hackers were formed and each of these points are justified. There is a little work needed fore the first opening paragraph of the report. The report states 'Valuable information or valuables themselves can be stored in protected areas such as banks, stores, or even computers.', this is in-correct. The student should re-place the word 'information' to 'data'. As hackers will be seeking for the data stored by these organisations and not information. This shows the examiner a lack of understanding, as this shows that the student isn't aware of what the hackers may seek. This is due to that data will include credit/debit card details and a number of other sensitive data regrading a customer.