This database will consist of lists of food-items, drinks, sweeties and confectionaries that he owns. I will add the names of the components into a table. This table will show that

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My Uncle Samuel is the salesman of a newsagent shop called Samuel and son's co. limited. He is busy and disorganized because he is always away on trips and is never around to take inventory of his stock. So I decided to create a database for him to help him make his business more efficient. This database will consist of lists of food-items, drinks, sweeties and confectionaries that he owns. I will add the names of the components into a table. This table will show that all the information required in the database has been entered. I spoke to him about this and he has given me this criteria:

> The database must allow him to see the details of customers quickly and easily.

> He must be able to see who owes him money.

> He wants to be able to check out customers in a location and be able to specify their location.

> He wants to be able to enter a price and see all the items and commodities above or below that price.

> He wants to be able to print a commodities price list.

> He wants the database to be password-protected, so as to stop a competitor from stealing the database.

> Finally, He says that because he is not so good with computers, I should make the database very easy to use.

The softwares that will be used for these purposes are Microsoft word and Microsoft Access. Microsoft Word will be used to type the work and the solution while most importantly Access will be used to create the database for my Uncle. And alternative solution to this would be to use the traditional 'manual system', which is to use a filing cabinet or a card file system, which in that case would have to be handled daily by a lot of people to reduce stress on the on the owner.

I am going to use the Computer and its systems because it is faster, easier to use and more accurate. Besides by using the storage system of the computer, that is, floppy, hard and removable disks and tapes, storage is safer, file are not easily lost or damage and it is more difficult for a person to search for a file in a large drawer or filing cabinet than it is to search through a computer database. This reduces fatigue for the owner.
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I will analyse how an ordinary food-item and confectionaries stock inventory database will work, then I will try to show how I computerized the database system.

The data that I will collect and then input to use in the computer database will be:

(1) Customer Name.

(2) Customer Address.

(3) Customer Town.

(4) Customer postcode.

(5) Telephone no.

(6) Item price.

(7) Purchase date.

(8) Amount paid/to pay.

(9) Item name/type.

All these information would have been gotten from paper, which would contain all ...

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