unit 10 customization of a client

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BTEC NATIONAL (CERT) FOT ICT PRACTITIONERS                                                                           UNIT 10

Customization of a Client’s Website


I have been requested by Bill to make his website which is regarding computers more interactive and attractive by using languages such as CSS, Inline, Embedded, External & JavaScript.

Bills Old Website

As you can see, above is a screen-shot of Bill’s website, the one which he created himself and has asked me to improve it, looking at this screen-shot you can see the colours are very dull, the images don’t load up, it does not look eye catching, and also if I was to view this website, I would never look at it twice, never mind reading it. The font is too small which makes it difficult to read; the viewers with eye problems would find it worse.

Prototype of New Website

  • The Main Heading will be font family: Impact, text-align: Center, Font size: 30pt and colour will be white.
  • All text boxes will have a border which is going to be coloured blue, the border style will be groove, the border’s width will be thin, and the padding on the Border will be 5% for both, top and bottom.
  • In the first box, the text will be aligned to the center, text font will be Arial and the margin-right will be at 10px and the text colour will be blue
  • The second box, the font will be Arial, the text alignment will be at Justify, the font size will be at 12pt and the text colour will be blue.
  • The box which is in between two boxes will have the text in a list with bullet points, with the font family at Arial, the text alignment will be at the left, font size will be 12pt, font colour will be red and the font style will be bold

Regarding the website, to change it I edited it in HTML and then alter the items I wanted to alter.


To keep the same structure, layout and theme throughout the whole website, I will create an external CSS sheet where I will list all the styles I will use, the reason being is to use external CSS sheet is its easy to change, easy to maintain same layout and theme throughout the whole website and finally you have more control of what you create.

Join now!

Main Heading

I wanted the main heading to be font impact, alignment to the center, font size 30pt and colour white, so I entered the code as shown below on the external CSS page.

As you can see from the screen-shot above, the first code that is under H1 which stands for heading one is the main heading, I made the font impact, text alignment to the center; I made the font size 30pt and the colour white after doing this I came out with the outcome shown below.

I did ...

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