Citizenship / Equal Oppourtunities - Implemented into Public Services

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Human Rights 

Why it came about?

The human right act was created because in the second world war – in the Holocaust, Hitler hated Jews, Gypsies, Polish and Russians plus others and they were sent to detention camps therefore they had no rights so, European Convention of human rights formed and created the Human Rights Act, most countries agreed to it,The Human Rights Act 1998 is a   which received  on , , and came into force on , .

What does the Human Rights Act do?

  • It makes it clear that as far as possible the courts in this country should interpret the law in a way that is compatible with Convention rights.
  • It places an obligation on public authorities to act compatibly with Convention rights.

Main Articles
Right to Life
Your life is protected by the law, certain circumstances when it is acceptable to take away someone’s life e.g. if a police officer acts justifiably in self defence.

Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour
You have the right not to be treated as a slave or doing forced Labour

Right to a Fair Trial
You have the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable period of time

Freedom of Thought 
You are free to hold a wide range of views beliefs and thoughts, as well as religious faiths

Freedom of Expression
You have the right to hold opinions and express your views either individually or as a group. Even if disturbing.

Right to Marry
Men and Women have the right to start a family, the nationals law will still determine what age this can take place.

Equal Opportunities Legislation
Equal opportunities legislation is mainly used when involved with employment.

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Disability Discrimination Act 1995
This act was put in place to stop discrimination against Disabled people. It states Employers must make reasonable adjustments for disabled people to be employed. Service providers must change policies and practices to ensure disabled people can use their service or enter their premises. Service providers must also offer additional help to disabled people to use their services.

This act was created by the Disability Rights Commission.

Sex Discrimination Act 1975
It is unlawful to discriminate against sex and within the act there are 3 types of discrimination, direct, indirect and victimization.

Equal Pay Act 1975
It is unlawful to discriminate between ...

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