Detail the possible rights and obligations of both Tenant and Landlord.Use examples and case law. Be as comprehensive as possible as to the possible options.

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  1. 1.0 Detail the possible rights and obligations of both Tenant and Landlord.

Use examples and case law. Be as comprehensive as possible as to the possible options.

Relationships between landlords and tenants are governed by several statutes and court rulings. However, the most important source of information is the rental agreement, whether it is written or oral. Some landlords prefer oral agreements; however it’s most common for them to require your signature on a written lease.

When a rented property is leased from a landlord for residential use, the arrangement is called a ‘residential lease’. Where as if a business leases a rented property, the agreement for the arrangement is called a commercial lease.

Reference 1

There are many similarities between the two types of leases, however many differences too. The law often regulates the relationship between a tenant and a landlord under a residential lease. These laws are designed to provide basic requirements for the condition of the rental property, and to protect tenants from dishonest landlords. On the contrary, commercial leases are viewed as being contracts between knowledgeable business people, whom therefore should be able to negotiate the terms of the lease to their respective satisfaction. They are able to contract anything they wish, resulted from ‘freedom contract’, as long as its legal and the courts treat it as reasonable if challenged. Subsequently, there is very little governmental protection, unlike in residential arrangements.

An obligation is a promise to perform in a particular way in the future. All legal binding relationships consist of a series of these obligations, for example in the arrangement between landlords and tenants.

The promises that are made between a landlord and tenant define the nature of the tenancy. This is achieved by setting out various rights and obligations that are agreed by both parties. A right is the opposite of an obligation.

Reference 2

Occasionally, landlords may regard certain terms in the agreement to be so imperative that the term is to be considered as a condition, rather than just an expressed promised. Remedies for breach of conditions are a lot more severe than any other breach and so the courts generally interpret most obligations to be considered as a covenant, unless expressly stated otherwise.

These remedies usually result to damages where the losses incurred are quantifiable by money. However, if this compensation isn’t significant enough to the breached party, the court may impose a specific performance to be carried out or an injunction. Neither of the latter two is favored as a remedy, as its considered ‘slavery’ to enforce someone to do something they don’t want too.

Promises made between the landlord and tenant about contractual obligations and rights, occur as a result of an express agreement between the two. However, not every obligation arises from a promise made by one of the parties; these are implied contractual obligations and rights.

Express covenants for a landlord in a lease will commonly include a covenant for quiet enjoyment; a covenant to repair; a covenant to insure; and a covenant permitting the tenant to renew the tenancy.

It is in the interest of both parties attached to the tenancy agreement, to express a covenant to insure the premises. This although, is not always the case.

With shorter held commercial leases, it is less usual to express a covenant on whom it is responsible to insure the premises. This is because it’s in the landlord’s interest that the building is protected, as the financial loss that could be encountered will fall greatly upon him if damaged. Consequently, the landlord will want to ensure the tenant doesn’t do anything to stimulate that could cause the insurance premium to increase or invalidate the policy, e.g. like storing flammable goods etc and so there will most certainly be covenants on what the tenants can or can’t do, to cause this.

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Landlords have the ability in fixed term tenancies, to promise whether to offer the tenant the grant of another, when the first one expires.

If this has been granted, the landlord cannot refuse another term, if the tenant wishes to continue. With this expressed obligation, there are benefits to both the landlord and tenant; effectively, the tenant will have a guarantee that the lease will be renewed if he wishes, and the landlord will have the benefit of making the property in question more desirable to be leased. Reference 3

Renewal is automatic if the landlord expressly stated the ...

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