Different types of ADR

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                                                 Types of ADR and What They Are Used For.

The different types of ADR are Conciliation, Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, Ombudsman and Tribunals. (CAMNOT)

Conciliation is half way between Arbitration and Mediation. The conciliator offers advice to the parties and plays a more active role than the Mediator. The Mediator will advice the parties.The purpose of conciliation is to bring the different parties together to look for ways to resolve the dispute.

Conciliation looks for common ground to help resolve the matter to the satisfaction of both parties so that both can move beyond the dispute.  As the conciliation process allows for both parties in the dispute to have their say, it is possible for each side to come to a better understanding of the other's position.  

This can help to eliminate misunderstandings based on incorrect assumptions or information and to achieve a real change in attitude.  

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All information gathered in the conciliation process is kept confidential and is not made available to court proceedings.

Arbitration is a private process by which an independant preson called an Arbitrator resolves the disbute by making a decision that binds the parties. Arbitrators are often specialists in their field. Generally both sides have to accept an Arbitrator. Arbitrations may have a longer waiting list that legal trials.

Arbitration is a consensual process; a party cannot be forced to arbitrate a dispute unless he agrees to do so.

In arbitration an independent third party considers both sides in a dispute, ...

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