George Bush – Analysis of a political speech.

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George Bush – Analysis of a political speech

Types of speech

The text is trying to communicate to its target audience that the president will not accept any acts of terrorism against the United States. It is also trying to communicate that he feels sympathy for the families of the people that died and also the injured.  He also thanked people for their support at such an important time.

The President expects a sympathetic response from the listeners but also he expects support in his war against terrorism.


In the text President Bush addresses the members of congress and fellow Americans.  I think this is the primary audience for his speech as these are the people who have been mainly affected by the incident.  However, the incident affected the whole world and this speech was broadcast throughout the world.  The President expects this as he acknowledges these different countries by acknowledging them in the speech.  For example he says “on behalf of the American people, I thank the world for its outpouring support”.  He mentions places such as Buckingham Palace, Paris and Brandenburg.  

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The text is used after the September 11th terrorist attack.  This is a time when there was lots of bad feeling in America as many people lost friends and family and this was a time when many people were turning against the President.


At first the semantic field is that of justice for America.  He emphasizes the need for justice in the 7th paragraph where ye says the word justice three times.  “Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice our enemies, justice will be done”.

The topicality then shifts towards the casualties.  The semantic ...

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