In relation to voluntary manslaughter discuss the suggestion that the current law is satisfactory and not in need of reform.

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In relation to voluntary manslaughter discuss the suggestion that the current law is satisfactory and not in need of reform.

        Diminished responsibility can be used as a defence if the defendant had an abnormality of mind, which was a cause of the killing. This is more satisfactory than having to use insanity for a defence, however there are still problems with it. The burden of proof should not be on the defendant, in most other defences the defendant only has to raise the issue and the prosecution has to disprove it. This should also apply to diminished responsibility. At the moment defendants pleading diminished responsibility are at a disadvantage which is not faced by those raising provocation. A proposed reform to this would be, if the mandatory life sentence for murder was abolished there would be no need for manslaughter as defendant could still be charged with murder but would receive a more appropriate prison sentence; this was put forward by the Butler Committee in 1975 which made several recommendations but none were acted upon. Making these changes would also prevent misuse of the law. People use this defence for mercy killings as the prosecution sometimes accepts the plea of diminished responsibility even when there is little evidence.

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        Also the words can be unclear. Different doctors have classified the same condition in different ways. Some disagree as to whether the abnormality of mind is an inherent cause of the act, it is largely down to opinion. Also the law commission has pointed out that there is a disagreement on whether the concept of ‘substantial impairment of mental responsibility’ is a medical question. This should not be decided by doctors as this is a moral question. The wording can also confuse the jury and a lack of understanding leads to inconsistent decisions. There is also in many cases, an ...

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