Should Barristers and Solicitors Fusion or remain as two separate professions? The professions of barrister and solicitor are separate and the work is different

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The Fusion Debate


Should Barristers and Solicitors Fusion or remain as two separate professions?

The professions of barrister and solicitor are separate and the work is different.  It is wrong to think of solicitors as some sort of junior barrister, or barristers as trainee solicitors.

It is not possible to belong to both branches of the legal profession, but it is possible for a barrister to retrain and become a solicitor, and many often do; similarly solicitors can move in the opposite direction.

Today, there are still several differences between the roles, training and regulation between solicitors and barristers. Barristers can advocate in court, research cases and legal developments, meet certain professional clients as a result of the 1990 and 1999 act which bought some similarities between the roles of solicitors and barristers. And as a result of the act, solicitors have become more like barristers-it allows them to advocate but they still have to do most of the paper work and barristers can do some paper work. On the other hand, solicitors can give legal advice to the public- so people can directly contact them, still do paper work ( such as prepare cases, appeals, write letters, contracts and wills) and meet all clients even in prison, interview and phone witnesses and clients. There are still many differences, such as the professional body for each profession, the basic qualifications, the practical training, method of training, relationship with client and liability. However, both of them have full rights to advocacy.

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By convention solicitors can join Inns of Court, but few do.  The rank of Queen's Counsel is awarded to solicitors on the same basis as barristers; this is recent example of a fusion of the two branches of the profession.

Fusion, in this context means a union resulting from combining or merging elements or parts. A major debate used to be whether the two professions should be merged into one profession.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of fusion. Firstly, I will look into the advantages. The advantages of fusion were thought to be that it reduced costs ...

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A good essay, addressing the main points. A clearer structure and theme throughout, and stronger conclusion, would earn this student higher marks. 4 Stars.