The term 'human rights' carries connotations of a wide range of possibilities; some may think immediately of the right to have important needs met, a right to shelter or to food.

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Dundas-Wolfenden                                  Page         

The term “human rights” carries connotations of a wide range of possibilities; some may think immediately of the right to have important needs met, a right to shelter or to food.  International law often guarantees those rights within the means of a government.  As Canadians, we often think of a right to health care or a right to vote in elections. These rights are guaranteed in legislation, or even in constitutional law. Human rights also include a right to equality, a right to equal dignity and participation in important areas of life, including work (Hess, 1993).  Human rights protection means both ensuring that there are no violations of these rights (prohibiting discrimination, for example) and a positive obligation to increase the dignity and ability to participate in society of all members of a society (Armitage, 1996; Hess, 1993).

An important equality protection, Employment Equity, in Canada is set out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which contains a guarantee of equality in the labour market (Employment Equity Act, 1996). The Charter guarantee of equality is powerful, and establishes a floor of human rights that the government is required to meet.  It is unacceptable for any government in Canada to act in a way that discriminates against a person or group.

In support of my opening statements, the aim of this paper is to prove that relative poverty among women is evidence of Canada’s residual approach to Employment Equity.

The following is presented to clarify my aim relative poverty is defined as, “some individuals or groups in a society lack resources afforded and taken as fixed by others” (Klochkovsky, 1975). Residual approach, is defined by Andrew Armitage, as “social welfare institutions coming into play only when the normal structures of supply...break down” (1996:28).  The 1995 Act states the purpose of employment equity as one,

 “to achieve equality in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability and, in the fulfilment of that goal, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by effect to the principle that employment equity means more than treating persons in the same way but also requires special measures and the accommodation of differences” (Employment Equity Act, 1995).

My aim will be argued, from a feminist perspective, by presenting the statistical gendered polarity of poverty in Canada, and the inequity in governmental policies and programmes.  Including those related to single mothers, minority women, relevant sectors of the employment economy and structural adjustment.  Most specifically the focus of this paper will be on the gendered nature of governmental policy and it’s impact on women’s poverty and employment equity.

As noted, a disproportionate number of the poor in Canada are women. Recent statistics show that, using Statistics Canada's Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICO) as a measurement of poverty, 57 percent of all persons living in low-income situations in Canada were women (Statistics Canada, 1999). The differences between the sexes are most pronounced in the youngest and oldest groups (National Council of Welfare, 1995).

Single mothers and other unattached women (widowed or divorced) are most likely to be poor, with poverty rates for those groups reaching as high as 57.2 percent for single mothers under 65, and 43.4 percent for unattached women over 65 years of age (National Council of Welfare, 1995). The poverty rates for single mothers are much worse when the figures are disaggregated by their ages and the ages of their children. Single mothers with children under seven had poverty rates as high as 82.5 percent in 1995, and single mothers under age 25 had a poverty rate of 83 percent (National Council of Welfare, 1995:85). Poor single mothers are also living in the deepest poverty, with incomes $8,851 below the poverty line in 1995 National Council of Welfare (1995:52).

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Between 1970 and 1995, average family incomes in Canada increased by 32 percent. This increase, however, has affected only the richest 30 percent of families. The other 70 percent of families have experienced a decline in family income National Council of Welfare, 1995:85). Hardest hit are families headed by single mothers. Such families have almost doubled in the past 25 years and approximately 40 percent of the bottoms 10 percent of income earners are single-mother families, as compared to 24 percent in 1970 (Women in Canada, 1995).

When we examine the statistics for the ‘poorest of the poor’, it ...

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