Experimentally calculating the wavelength of an He-Ne laser by means of diffraction gratings

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To experimentally determine the wavelength of a He-Ne laser, by means of three different diffraction gratings – 600 lines/mm, 300 lines/mm, and 100 lines/mm.

Background Information:

“The deviation of light from its original path as it passes through a narrow opening or around an obstruction is called diffraction.” 

When light is pointed through one slit, the light is diffracted and creates an “interference pattern” on a screen a certain distance away. On this screen, various “fringes” of light are displayed through destructive interference, along with a bright vertical beam of light in the center. The fringes are less bright beams of light on either side of the central beam – the first fringes on either side are called “first order fringes,” the second fringes on either side are called “second order fringes,” and so on. Theoretically, the distances from the central beam and each of the first order fringes should be equal, as should be the distances from the central beam and each of the second order fringes, and so on.

When light is passed through two slits, the central bright beam of light is created through constructive interference of the light through the two slits. In the case of constructive interference:

dsinθ = mλ,

where d is the distance between the slits, θ is the angle at which the light is diffracted, m is the fringe order being considered, and λ is the wavelength of the light.  

In the case of this experiment, a monochromatic He-Ne light (basically a He-Ne laser) is being pointed through “diffraction gratings,” which are defined as “large numbers of equally spaced parallel slits.” To find the wavelength of the light experimentally, one can use the same equation for the interference pattern from double slits.  

One is given the distances between the slits (which would be the same as 1 divided by the number of slits). m would simply be the order of the fringe one considers. However, the value for θ is not given. Still, by shining the laser through a diffraction grating to display its interference pattern on a screen, one may calculate the distance from the grating to the screen L, and the distance from the central bright beam to the first order fringe x (it is assumed that the distances from the central bright beam to either of the first order fringes are the same). Then, one can use the following equation to find θ:

tanθ = x/L,

but since the angle would be so minute, one can use the equation:

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θ = x/L.

Since the angle would be so minute, sinθ would also be approximately θ. Therefore:

λ = (dsinθ)/m

λ = (dx)/(mL).


If one shines a He-Ne laser through different diffraction gratings and observes the interference pattern made on a surface, then one can calculate the wavelength of a He-Ne laser using the equation λ = (dx)/(mL).



  • Distance from diffraction grating to screen L
  • Distance between lines in each diffraction grating d
  • Order of the fringe considered m
  • Distance between laser and diffraction grating

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