Investigate the prices of second hand cars and the factors that may affect the price.

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I am going to investigate the prices of second hand cars and the factors that may affect the price.  These factors could come from a last list including mileage, engine size, age of vehicle, months of MOT and how much tax there is on the car.  I shall analyse this data so that I can decide which factor has the biggest affect on a car’s price.

I will use graphs and charts to help with my explanation.


From a list of 100 cars I decided to do a selective sample of 20%, so I chose every fifth car as this will be a good spread.  20% should be a good sample size because there will be a good spread of data and, therefore, I should get accurate results.  This will only be a rough test to see if the cars are close enough in similarity for me to draw any results from them (see appendix 1).  


“Age of car will affect price”

I thought age was one of the biggest factors that would affect car prices.  First of all I calculated the % depreciation of all the cars in my sample.  I calculated the % rather than straight monetary loss because it helps smooth out the extremes between car makes eg Bentleys and Ford. I did a scattergraph (appendix 2) of age against % depreciation and then drew a line of best fit. This showed a strong positive correlation that the older the car the more value it loses.  

This shows that my Hypothesis 1 is correct.


After the first analysis I then looked at my sample again and found that the range was too big to draw any meaningful conclusions.  I decided to change my sampling method.  Random sampling would not work because I tried this and the same number of car occurred twice (no. 95 Rolls Royce).  Bearing in mind that a sample size of 20% was desirable I estimated that cars with an engine size of 1.4 occurred most frequently.  When I counted this it actually gave me a sample of 21%.  I thought this would be representative of the whole sample.  This would then allow me to compare how price affects similar types of car.  I selected the size of 1.4 as it is the modal range.

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I understand that this sample eradicates all other cars from the list and other types of car may not be affected in the same way as 1.4 engined cars.  


“Cars with short MoTs are frequently sold.”

In order to test this I am going to draw a cumulative frequency diagram.  I have decided to use cumulative frequency so that I can find the interquartile range of the months of MoT left.  This will show me the average amount of MoT left when cars, in my sample, are put up for sale.

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