American History X - Concepts from Chapter 8

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David Rustic



T/TH 8am

Paper #2 Deviance/Crime Paper

 American History X

Concepts from Chapter 8

Throughout this course we have focused on socialization and how people are shaped due to their exposure to a particular environment.  When we look at instances of deviance and crimes, to understand the reason why they happen we have to look to the root of the problem, and how it came to be.  American History X is a movie focusing on racism giving us a social-psychological explanation of this deviant behavior.  This movie could produce a 10 page paper on deviance but I will try to concentrate on the main issues in the movie.

Racism and bigotry are just a taste of the deviant behavior displayed in this movie.  The setting is Venice Beach, California, in the 21st century, when the area is increasingly being “taken over” by minorities, and the crime rate is going up.  Some white members of the community are beginning to notice this change for the worse and affiliate it because of the minority groups “flooding their streets in record numbers.”  Gangs are forming where families visited the park, legal citizens are beginning to lose their jobs to illegal immigrants, and fights and shootings are as common as birds.  In order to “protect themselves” the white people form their own racist Nazi skinhead gang, called the DOC.  Groups are formed for an agenda and the socialization process is an ongoing process as seen in the DOC.  

Cameron Alexander is the founder of many racist groups and pairs up with the main character Derek Vinyard.  Together they are the leaders of the DOC and are involved with seeking out people who share their same view.  These two men socialize their members with one-sided reasoning to hate anyone who is not white-protestant.  In a speech Derek claims “We are losing our freedom, foreigners can exploit our country…the government policy is weak…it is because of them our community is suffering.”  He does not mention that when the white Europeans came to this country our main goal was to live and exploit the land of our country as well.  This group is involved not only with racism and hate but with acts of violence.  With the proper motivation Cameron feeds on Derek’s leadership to violently protest their hate.  Derek organizes the DOC who gives them all the right reasons to make a stand and fight for their freedom.  They looted a local grocery store that has been taken over by foreigners employing other immigrant workers.  In the process the DOC destroyed most of the store, humiliated, and physically assaulted & battered the workers.  To all the members of the DOC they were simply keeping America, as America was.  They were strongly influenced and shaped on their thinking which let to their actions.  They did not see their actions as crime but rather a fight for what was right in their minds.

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The most horrifying scene happens after Danny Vineyard (Derek’s little brother) notices a black man breaking into Derek’s vehicle, which was given to him by his father.  Derek promptly gets out of bed and questions Danny on the situation like it is a frequent occurrence.  Derek grabs a loaded gun and sees a man on the look out near his front door, one man robbing his vehicle, and the other a getaway driver.  Hate, aggression, and evil are displayed from Derek because all these men are black and their “typical behavior” is directly affecting him and his family.  He kicks ...

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