An example of a postmodern film is Inception. Inception was released in 2010, and directed by Christopher Nolan

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Postmodernism is a general and wide-ranging term which is applied to many disciplines, including literature, art and film. Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality. Postmodernism is highly skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups. Postmodern film attempts to portray postmodern themes and conventions through the medium of film.  

An example of a postmodern film is Inception. Inception was released in 2010, and directed by Christopher Nolan, and follows the theme of dreams. This fits in perfectly with Baudrillard's and his theory of hyper reality. In the context of this film, the film is set within a dream and while this is known, it appears as reality, and presents the dream as real life.

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Propp’s theory of character roles in the narrative is also challenged in this film. His theory points to the structure of narrative and the way that inceptions works disputes this. In particular, the lack of binary oppositions on the form of the hero vs villain roles.  Throughout the film the linear structure is disrupted, with the beginning of the film being the end, and constant flips between different layers of dreams. In this way, the film mixes up time, space and reality, as time is different in the different layers of the time.

Rejects Jameson's theory that Postmodernism ...

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