At every stage in history, there are a number of forces that contribute to creating the climate for change, and the 1960's were no exception. For the Beatles and the Rolling Stones in the 1960's one of these factors was the baby-boomer generation

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Becca Dash        

Why did bands like the Beatles and the

Rolling Stones have such a big impact in the 1960’s?

        “If you want to know about the sixties, then listen to the music of the Beatles”. This quote sums up the impact of the Beatles, who have become unaccountably linked with the sixties decade and all that it involved. The appeal of groups like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones has transcended the generations and created an interest among young people today. Is this purely an interest in reminiscence or are there other factors, which have continued to attract fans?


        At every stage in history, there are a number of forces that contribute to creating the climate for change, and the 1960’s were no exception. For the Beatles and the Rolling Stones in the 1960’s one of these factors was the baby-boomer generation. This was when there was a big increase in the quantity of children being born. This was due to people putting off having children during the war, but now it was over they were able to do so. This meant that there were more teenagers during the 1960’s than usual. So any trends or fads that became popular with youngsters became loved by hundreds. Another factor is that teenagers were starting to have more of an impact in the society and culture at the time. This was mainly because they had more money to spend on clothes, magazines and records etc, so they had more power on what was going to be popular at the time. This resulted in the Beatles and Rolling Stones music being bought and listened too much more, compared to if no one had any money. A further big factor was the advances in new technology at the time, for example television and radio. This meant that everyone could listen to the new music that was appearing and they were able to be the first to find out who was number one - which was essential at the time. There was also the transistor radio, which allowed people to listen to music wherever they were. A cause for the two bands being successful was also about being in the right place at the right time, pure luck. If they had released their singles in the 1950’s, they may not have been so successful because of the popular cultures present at the time. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones also helped to “knit together a youth sub culture”. They were the ones who encouraged them to live their lives as they wanted too, and not how they were always being told to live, by their parents – they taught them to be independent, and that it was acceptable to be independent.

        The Beatles and the Rolling Stones brought a new energy and a distinctive sound to their performances, which helped them to match the moods of the 1960’s. The Beatles had an enormous ability to satisfy their fans, and they had a great freshness in each single that they released. The image that youngsters were seeing from the Beatles was young and vibrant – exactly what they wanted to see. They were clearly normal people, with qualities such as humour, charm, wit, inventiveness and cheek. The Beatles also had regional accents – which has not been seen before! They were regular guys trying to make it big – and they did! These characteristics can be seen clearly in some interview footage that we watched, with Paul’s humour and George’s cheekiness, showing that everyone loved them. The people of the sixties loved these characteristics; they felt that they could connect with the Beatles, as they were no different to them.

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        Every song of the Beatles was written by one of the band members, as was the music, which accompanied the lyrics. This meant that they had unique sound and were original, compared to others around at the time. Each song released by the Beatles was enthusiastic and participatory for their audiences, whatever their age, meaning there was not a soul that didn’t like what was being drummed into their ears. This can be seen through the song “Yellow Submarine” – the fans wanted Ringo to write a song and perform it, so he did. He knew that he wouldn’t ...

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