Children of Men Analysis Opening Scene

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How are cinematography and media language (including visual codes, technical codes, audio codes and narrative construction techniques) used in the opening sequence of Children Of Men, to position and create meaning for the audience?

Children of Men Analysis

I have chosen to analyse cinematography, visual codes, technical codes, audio codes and narrative construction used in the opening sequence of Children of Men because the opening sequence itself is intriguing and is emphasised and developed using film techniques to connote a more extensive meaning.

All of these are used to position the audience and create meaning in the sequence. They make the audience empathise with characters, understand the environment and become drawn into the narrative and feel more sympathetic towards characters. They also help the audience understand the connotations of the film techniques used that emphasise the main protagonist’s feelings and gestures towards the narrative events.

The target audience is young adults to 40-50 year olds, particularly 18-21 year olds as that is the age range focused on within the film.

In the shocking opening sequence of Children of Men, you follow the “hero”. The narrative construction leaves the audience with unanswered questions called an enigma. It doesn’t give the audience too much information on the story and only gives out basic ideas and little introduction to characters as it positions the audience to feel intrigued.

Obviously  throughout this film the main character is going to encounter narrative obstacles with the way the iconography emphasise drama and his psychological troubles.

That there is diegetic sound at the beginning of the clip but no visual, emphasises that the audience is thrown into this harsh reality blind, clueless in the modern world the film is set in. When the man enters the shop and watch the news, non deigetic music has been added, to emphasise the sadness with the death of ’Diego’ which constructs the films storyline.

Mid and long shots show the audience the gestures and look of the main character. The main characters upper body gestures shows audiences how he moves and what his actions are like.  A long shot is also used to show his entire body and a little bit of the scene around him, could also be seen as an establishing shot and this gives the audience a sense of what the characters about by the way they present their self also how he looks and behaves with the people around him. The hero or main protagonist is mainly focused on in the opening sequence and this is emulated in the way when the man is in the café surrounded by other members of the public he is still the centre image.

The opening scene of Children of Men consists mainly of mid shots and close up shots showing body language as well as background, like the setting and location, such as cars and buildings giving a natural effect and showing the characters, be that primary or extras facial expressions.

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There is also a pan camera movement left and right as the main character leaves the shop to give the audience idea of the setting and location. Just before the end of the scene a point of view shot has been used, and this gives the audience the perspective of the main character and how as the lighting changes as he walks out of the shop, the way the new world is being thrown upon him, and it opens up the setting like you are being thrown into a world you do not fully understand and you are just ...

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