Compare 2 posters for films of different genres. Comparing: 'The Skeleton Key' and 'Dungeons and Dragons'

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Section 2: Compare 2 posters for films of different genres.

Comparing: ‘The Skeleton Key’ and ‘Dungeons and Dragons’

‘The Skeleton Key’: Horror

‘Dungeons and Dragons’: Fantasy-Adventure-Action

In ‘The Skeleton Key’ poster there is only one actress who is standing and looking into a key hole (facing the camera). She looks scared but also anxious and worried with tension. She also looks like she intensely desires to know what’s behind the Key hole.

The woman is wearing dark clothes and jewelry signifying that this film is a horror. She is also wearing sandals which represent that it’s a worm time of the year e.g. summer or spring. The setting looks like a normal house. This must mean that the scary parts of this film would probably be mostly in that house since the key hole is there also.         

In this poster the whole background is black. There is also a key-hole shape on the middle with a woman walking towards it. In the house, it looks like its day time since there’s light coming through the windows – this is surprising because this specific gesture code is the opposite of a horror type of film since usually it is typical for the nights to be the most scariest and fearful time of day for most people. The woman is holding a torch and a pole which shows that she is scared of something that might be behind that key hole and that she is planning to go inside since she looks so curious.

The tagline of this poster is ‘fearing is believing’ – this is a big giveaway to the genre. It includes the word ‘fear’ which signifies that there is going to be something dangerous, scary and that causes distress. It also makes a lot of sense - if you are scared of something, it means that you believe that it’s true. Media is most of the time the stimulus of people’s beliefs.

 Kate Hudson’s name is written at the top of the page which means that she is the main actress of this film. It also says ‘from the writer of the ring’ – this will attract the audience’s attention seeing as ‘The Ring’ is a famous and a well known horror film. The lettering of ‘The Ring’ is emphasized by the bigger and bolder writing that it’s typed in, whereas the lettering of ‘The writer of’ is written in a much smaller text – ‘The Ring’ sign will grab the viewers’ attention even faster. This poster however has no credit block.

By looking at this poster the viewer should immediately recognise that the genre of this film is horror because of the darkness and gothic-like style of writing it has. The letters also have a stone effect and a smudged light coming from them. There is also light coming from the outside of the objects that are on the poster e.g. the DVD case looks like it’s in front of a light. There is also a symbol on the poster that looks like something to do with the skeleton key (evil).

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The woman looks like she is tough rather than a weak woman although she does look fearful and nervous. She’s walking towards the key hole with a torch and a pole in her hands which indicate that she is ready for something and knows that something is coming ahead (behind the key hole).

There are no other racial backgrounds shown on the poster other than white.

In ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ poster there is seven main actors. The audience can obviously see the protagonists and antagonists of this film just by looking at the gesture codes of the actors. The ...

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