Ethics In Advertising

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Ethic In Advertising

Tommy 99105704

Advertising is a dynamic public forum in which business interests, creativity, consumer needs, and government regulation meet. Advertising's high visibility makes it particularly vulnerable to criticism.

An annoyance with advertising is general is also expressed by the population at large. In one survey, cosponsored by Advertising Age and the Roper Organization, both consumers and marketing executives were queried about their attitudes with the bad ads produced by their trade, importantly, that they're becoming more and more concerned about advertising clutter. Many research experts believe such ambivalence could be an indication of doom for the advertising industry.

It is worthwhile to be aware of the social issues facing advertisers, because negative attitudes toward advertising will ever disappear.

Although advertisers face extensive regulation, every issue is not covered by a clear, written rule. Many advertising-related issues are left to the discretion of the advertiser. Decisions may be based on a variety of considerations, including the objective of the advertising campaign, the attitudes of the target audience, the philosophies of the agency and the advertiser, and legal precedent. Many decisions are based on ethical concerns. On the other hand, although advertisers can seek help in making decisions about questionable advertising situations from such sources as codes of ethics, these codes provide only general guidance. When advertising decisions are not clearly covered by a code, a rule or a regulation, someone must make an ethical decision. That person must weigh the pros and cons, the good and the bad, the healthy and harmful effects, and make a value judgment about an unfamiliar situation. These kinds of decisions are complex because there is no clear consensus about what constitutes ethical behavior and also because of the potential conflict between personal ethics and what might be good for the business.

Advertisers are selective about the values and attitudes to be fostered and encouraged, promoting some while ignoring others. This selectivity gives the lie to the notion that advertising does no more than reflect the surrounding culture. For example, the absence from advertising of certain racial and ethnic groups in some multi-racial or multi-ethnic societies can help to create problems of image and identity, especially among those neglected, and the almost inevitable impression in commercial advertising that an abundance of possessions leads to happiness and fulfillment can be both misleading and frustrating.
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Advertising also has an indirect but powerful impact on society through its influence on media. Many publications and broadcasting operations depend on advertising revenue for survival. This often is true of religious media as well as commercial media. For their part, advertisers naturally seek to reach audiences; and the media, striving to deliver audiences to advertisers, must shape their content so to attract audiences of the size and demographic composition sought. This economic dependency of media and the power it confers upon advertisers carries with it serious responsibilities for both.

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