Facebook Website Analysis

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Facebook is the largest growing social network on the web, followed by myspace in second place and twitter in third. Facebook has estimatically 550,000,000 monthly visits and over 500 million active user,and  with over 175 million constiantly active. Facebook allows user to create their own personal profile, add and communicate with other facebook users (friends), upload photo as large as 4mb, and join groups etc. Facebook was orignally founded my Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates  and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. When facebook first launched the site was orignally called ‘thefacebook’ and only colleagues of Harvard university were able to access facebook and its purpose was to introduce senior collegue to freshmans,  but as it grow, other college in boston were also able to access facebook. Now facebook is available to anyone aged 13 or over. Some countries such as Pakistan, Syria, China, Vietnam, Iran and North Korea does not allow any kind of access to facebook. Entertainment weekly announced that the most common reason why people access facebook is to communicate, stalk and birthdays reminders.                                                                                               

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For visitor who does not have a Facebook account they must immediately make one through Facebook’s index page which has all the required information such as name, email, create password, gender and DOB (date of birth). Without an account there is no way to access to the body of the site. When logged in, Facebook directs user to the ‘home’ page where user can view ‘news feed’ which is where they can get information about what their friends have been up to on facebook. One of the best things about facebook is the event box on the ‘home’ page located ...

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