Gladiator - show how Ridley Scott uses a variety of techniques to construct a character and influence the way the audience feel about the character Maximus played by Resell crow.

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I have been given an assignment in which I need to show my understanding of the ways that the director “Ridley Scott”, uses a variety of techniques to construct a character and influence the way the audience feel about the character “Maximus” played by Resell crow.

Before watching the movie I thought that gladiators were just Roman slaves who fought and killed each other just for the sake of entertainment. The advertising poster made me think that even if Maximus might look like a ruthless killer, he also might be a hero of some sort trying to get his vengeance in the coliseum.  

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When we first see the character of maximus he is daydreaming walking across a field of wheat with his hand caressing the wheat. The lighting used is bright yellowish, which to me gives a warm filling to the audients. In this scene we don’t see the whole person, we only see his hand and on his hand there is a ring showing the audients that maximus is married and possible have children. After the daydream we see maximus preparing for a battle, and the lighting becomes dark and dim sort of gray. By comparing these two scenes I thing ...

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