How Does Mean Girls Conform With the Teen Film Genre

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How Does Mean Girls Conform With the Teen Film Genre

(Paramount 2004)

If I was to walk into a video store I would be able to choose from many different genres as this is how they are organised into categories. The genre that Mean girls comes under is “teen” genre. A teen genre is a film that is broadly appealing to a teenage audience. The film we studied was Mean Girls which is an American teen movie. The sub genre for this film was the School picture. By this I mean that it as set and revolved about teenagers at an American High school. The representation is these kind of films are  stereotypes of the characters and mean girls was no different they put different labels on the characters for example there were the jocks, cheerleaders, Asian nerds, plastics (the popular girls kind of come under cheerleaders) and the people who don’t fit in. The characters were about 16 -17 about the same age as the target audience perhaps a bit younger e.g. most teenagers are around 14-15 when they start to watch the films. The film shows issues that may be the average teenager might experience through their adolescent years like drugs, sex, popularity, sexuality and bullies. The Mise-en-scene is things to let the audience know that this is for them as an audience to relate to. For example they show the audience the rooms of Regina George and Cady; the rooms show us another angle of the person’s personality.. The soundtrack for a film like mean girls will reflect the target audiences taste in music so something that is in the popular music scene that will probably enter the charts which in 2004 was God is a DJ by controversial artist Pink. Some of the lyrics in the song show how Pink has experiences such issues mentioned in the film first hand; 

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I've been the girl with her skirt pulled high
Been the outcast never running with mascara eyes
Now I see the world as a candy store
With a cigarette smile, saying things you can't ignore
Like mommy I love you
Daddy I hate you
Brother I need you
lover hey f**k you
I can see everything, here with my third eye
Like the blue in the sky

 In the film the teenagers are from quite a range of backgrounds like for example Cady heron played by Lindsay Lohan is an intelligent teenager brought up and educated in Africa ...

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