Identify a narrative subject depicted by both Gitto in the Arena Chapel and Duccio in the Maseta.

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Identify a narrative subject depicted by both Gitto in the Arena Chapel and Duccio in the Maseta.

Explain how and why each artists portrayal of this subject differs, with reference to style and composition.

The Betrayal of Jesus by both Giotto and Duccio differ. Both of these artists portray The Betrayal in different ways in terms of style and composition.

Giotto’s Betrayal is more natural and realistic. His style is more down to earth. His Beyrayl is much more chaotic, noisy and viloent. Whereas Duccio’s portrayal of the is ordered, stiff and formal.. The figures in Giotto’s piece seem more real than Duccio’s.

Giotto’s emphasis is on facial and gesture expression whereas Duccio focus is on fine detail. Giotto’s expressions of figures in the piece, you are able to sense their sad, sorrow emotions. Their expression are simplified and capture the dramatic moment of pain. In Giotto’s piece the figures around Jesus are unhappy. Why 

But in Duccio’s piece his expressions are more complicated. How

His figures all show different expressions rather than one expression as in Giotto’s. Duccio used varied emotions in his piece, some figures are angry like Peter and the disciples look afraid. Therefore, Giotto’s figures show the same one expression and Duccio shows several. Their difference tell the story by different emotion captured.

Giotto’s treatment of  figures are large and bold whereas Duccio uses thin long figures.

The use of different colours to portray The Betrayal are different in Giotto’s and Duccio’s piece. As Giotto is a painter of realism and Duccio focus is on detail. Giotto uses soft, subtle earthy pink and greens. Like bright red for soldiers and silver helmets. Whereas Duccio uses bright, rich oranges, gold and ultra marine. In Giotto’s piece the figure are in warm, natural colours. In Duccio’s the figures are bright and draws attention. Giotto uses colour to show importance. In the Betrayal, Judas is in a yellow robe, to stand out, yellow emphasizing significance. The yellow directs viewer’s eyes to that scene. In Duccio’s piece the figure are in colours like red or orange and Jesus is in dark blue. Therefore, in Giotto’s Jesus is slightly to the left of the centre and turned to face the centre and Judas is actually the central figure. Whilst in Duccio’s Jesus is in the centre to face the audience. Colours tell the story by using colour to emphasize importance of characters.

In Giotto’s Betrayal the composition of background is different to Duccio’s. Giotto has used a plain dark blue background to emphasize darkness, saying it happened at night. Duccio’s background is

Duccios composition of landscape consists of many things like trees and hills. He has also divided the scene into three parts using each tree to divide it. He wants to capture the whole feeling including the surrounding. Duccio is only interested in interpreting what happened  Giotto’s background is more plain in terms of the environment. He has used a red and gold type background. It does not seem real. His choice of colour does not reflect naturalism. In Giotto’s composition, he isolates people from the background and landscape by

Even though Jesus is surrounded by people, you can almost sense that Jesus and Judas are in a way separated from other figures because they are concerned with each other and not others around them. Because of their larger size, it feels as though they don not fit in, though they are the most important figures.  It creates a sense that Jesus and Judas are in a way separated from other figures.

Giotto uses the style of separating the main figures from things other figures. In Duccio’s Betrayal, the figure of Jesus seems to fit right - they are not separated from others. In terms of size, all figures are the same height. His piece creates a feel that Jesus fits in with the other figure, and does not seem to look separated as in Giotto’s where Jesus is out of proportion with other figures.

Giotto’s treatment of drapery is different from Duccio’s. Giotto paints robes that shape each figures body. You are able to see the shape. The robes Duccio paints are do not set body shapes but forms a pattern at the bottom of their drapery. You can see the crease and folds. Whereas Giotto reveal their bodies underneath.

Explain how patronage and function influenced 2 examples of Trecento painting

Giotto’s paintings at the Arena Chapel located in Padua was commissioned by a man called Enrico Scrovegni the patron.

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The function or purpose of to why he was patronage of the Chapel was to repent for this father’s money lending activities. His father lent money to people, this was frowned upon. His father was known to be greedy. Scrovegni commissioned the Chapel as a means to make up for his fathers wrongs. It was repaying or giving something back to the community, and to restore the families name. Scrovegni felt bad and decided to commission Giotto to paint the Arena Chapel, to tell the biblical story of Christ to his family and teach it to the illiterate. Patronage ...

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