In the movie, Tagged: The Jonathan Wamback Story, a young grade nine boy, Jonathan, is a victim of a severe bullying attack

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Civics                 Movie – Tagged The Jonathan Wamback Story Journal Response Various challenges and obstacles exist for young teens in today’s high schools. Bullying and gang membership are amongst the elements that must be seriously explored and addressed in the school setting, as they impact what occurs on and off school property. In the movie, “Tagged: The Jonathan Wamback Story,” a young grade nine boy, Jonathan, is a victim of a severe bullying attack by the Skulls gang, headed by the leader Kyle Simpson.  This incident demonstrates the impact of all members including the by-standers, victims, and instigators. The concept and issues that arise because of bullying need to be taken seriously and acted upon.         In the movie, the Skulls gang, who are in front of the park washroom, accuse Jonathan of writing racist remarks on previously written graffiti. Courtney, a friend from school, lured Jonathan into coming to the park, thinking that they will resolve the problem they were facing previously. Although grounded, he took the risk and decided to leave his house and meet up with Courtney, where she was. To his surprise, the gang, who accused him of vandalizing their graffiti marks, met him. All the gang boys, confronted him, stating Jonathan was a racist and they demanded he apologize for these actions, threatening him with verbal and physical harm. Without speaking a word, Jonathan decided to back away and leave the situation. The gang made rude comments, like, “Are you going to your mommy? You too scared?” He turned around, saying nothing and simply showed them his middle finger. This sparked their anger and rage. They chased him throughout the park and side streets. Eventually Jonathan
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hit a dead end, trying to climb a fence while Kyle and the others pull him down, and begin to beat and kick him in the head and other body parts numerous times. Unable to defend himself, he was left there semi-unconscious, and somehow returned home. His parents found him on the couch in serious condition and immediately called the ambulance. Taken away, no one knew what had happened. At the hospital, they performed numerous brain surgeries and operations, and he fell into a coma. Eventually, after much care, attention, and physical rehabilitation, he returned home and later to school.          ...

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