Investigate how the PS2 adds value to its console and the games that the Playstation company make.

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I am going to investigate how the PS2 adds value to its console and the games that the Playstation company make. Added value is the difference between the costs of inputs into a product and the value placed on that product by the market. To find the added value for the PS2 I will need to find out information from the intranet, shops and magazines. I hope that by doing research I will find out many benefits of having the PS2 compared to other games consoles. I also hope to find out what special features that the PS2 has.

Organisation and methodology:

        There are many ways that I can find out how the PS2 adds value, this involves doing some market research. The first market research that I am going to do Is going on to the internet and checking all of the useful sites for information about the features of the PS2. This way I can see what the PS2 has to offer. With this information I will then be able compare the PS2 to other consoles and see what extra features that it has over them or whether they have better features than the PS2, this will help me to find out how the PS2 adds value.

        The second way that I am going to carry out market research is by going to the shops that sell all of the different consoles. This way I can compare the prices of the consoles, the advertisement that they get and the packaging that they are bought in. Also I can see how many people buy games for different consoles and see how many people buy certain consoles. This will then show the quality of the product and what they offer to the customers that buy that particular console.

        The third way that I am going to carry out market research is by creating a questionnaire. I will then ask people the questions such as “what games console do you have”, this will show a rough percentage of the market that the PS2 holds and “how often do you buy games“, this will show how good or not advertising and games for the PS2 are. The questionnaire will help me to get a clearer idea of what people think the best console is and why.

        The fourth way that I am going to carry out the market research is by getting hold of some of the PS2 magazines and looking through them to see the kind of offers that the PS2 give, how they rate their games, prices of games on offer and how they advertise games that they are going to release in the future. The magazines will help me to see how the PS2 company tries to advertise their product, the special features that it has and how they think they offer a better console than the other companies. It will also show the lengths that the company are prepared to go to in order to beat off the opposition.

         The final way that I am going to carry out market research is looking through the books and at adverts and posters the PS2 company have to try and get any additional information about how the PS2 company adds value to its product. This will help to see what sort of advertising is around in order to increase the number of sales the PS2 company has. 


The following questionnaire will be used to carry out research to see how the PS2 company adds value to their product.

Name: …………………………………..

1.What age category do you fall in to? (Please tick)

      0-9    10-19  20-29   30+

2. What games console do you own? (Please tick)

PS2   xbox  Gamecube    


PS1     N64     Other

3. Why did you choose the PS2 over other consoles. Only answer if you chose PS2 for the previous question? (Please tick)

Enhanced graphics  Price           Special features

Advertising          More games     Other

Join now!

If you ticked the box for other please give your reason: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4.Did you own a PS1 before you bought a PS2. Only answer if you have a PS2. (Please tick)

    Yes   No      

5.How many Playstation 2 games do you currently own. (Please tick)

0-4   5-9    10-14        15+

6.How often do you buy games for the PS2. Only answer if you have a PS2. (Please tick)

Once a week    Once a month   Once a year

Special occasions  Other


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