Produce a 30 second advertisement from scratch to promote a product or a theme of my choice.

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My objective was to produce a 30 second advertisement from scratch to promote a product or a theme of my choice. This is a follow up to my pre production task. As we know, media is becoming one of the world’s largest industries and so with this in mind I decided to create an advertisement based on the blockbuster film, “Tomb Raider.”


In order to produce a plan, create a script and storyboard an advertisement I had to carry out research both in class and in my free time. Most of this research was carried out in class, for a few days we looked at several advertisements in order to get an idea on what I was going to base my advertisement on. It was only after looking closely at these advertisements that I could get an insight into the importance of the camera angles and shots when collecting my footage. For example, an extreme close up can create an enigma or intimacy. The shot or edit helps to distinguish the mood. Also the advertisements I watched helped me to realise that the structure of the sequence must be perfect and this was made clear when observing advertisements that follow a particular storyline. I have also noticed that many products have their logo or slogan that is associated with that brand in order to help the audience remember this product. Most advertising is motivated by profit and advertisers use a variety of devices to target their audiences, for example, humour, jingle, slogan etc. in my advertisement I aimed to create an enigma because it will hold the attention of my target audience. When watching advertisements on the television, I have paid close attention to those promoting a film. By doing so I was able to distinguish the style in which it has been produced and so as a result create one of similar structure. By this I mean, when the film is being advertised written codes are inserted between the edits stating something similar to, “Coming to a cinema near you.” I have also tried to use a slogan at the end of my advertisement to reinforce the genre of the film and the star actress. The pace at which my advertisement moves is not relatively quick, it effectively contains the enigma I had planned and allows time for the viewers to read and absorb any written codes it contains.

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To create my 30-second advertisement I needed to book the camcorder. Also I needed to learn hoe to use the video camera and its various devices. For example, I need to be aware of the zoom in/ zoom out button in order to vary my range of shots. It could be close up. Long shot, high angled shot etc. I need to know how to transfer the footage I have taken on the camcorder onto the computer. To do this I need to have a firewire to connect the camcorder to the computer. By doing this I can ...

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