Analysing the advertisement, “Take the slog out of cycling

In this essay I will be answering the question “How does the advertisement persuade the consumer to purchase the Sinclair Zeta?” through out the article I will be discussing how it engages the readers’ attention, how does the advertisement sustain interest of the individual, What words are used to encourage the consumer to purchase the bike, who is the target audience, should this advertisement be re-marked and aimed towards a different audience? , And lastly what are the specific selling points that are promoted in the article.  

Firstly, with regard to how the article engages the readers’ attention there are various ways.  One way is that it uses persuasive language for example “The new Sinclair Zeta transforms your bike from power to electric power in minutes to give you effortless cycling”, this is persuasive because it’s telling you that they are going to make something possible that wasn’t possible before.  Secondly it uses a catchy title, which also draws you to read it for example “Take the slog out of cycling”, this informs you that they can help you take the pressure and effort out of cycling.  As far as the layout is concerned it puts the information in columns. Also each paragraph has got its own icon at the start, to indicate what the paragraph is going to be about. The two large images that are used are engaging because the first picture shows you how easy it is to assemble and to use the new invention; the second picture is showing you a girl riding on the bike up a hill looking effortless.  They have shown this by having the lady raise one hand in the air it has also shown you how fast the bike is going by having the leaves flying in the air.  The size of the writing is a big eye opener because it’s very clear to read and the vocabulary is not very difficult to understand.  

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This brings me to how does the advertisement sustains the individual. Through out the advertisement the writer uses suggestive langue that’s put in a positive way for example “Zeta is simplicity itself” this is telling you that its simple and easy to use. It’s straight to the point and tells you all the good things about the invention for example “Zenta is so well engineered that it1s malignance free and works well in all weathers” this is implying that its so well build that you don’t need to look after it, and It is pact with information without mumbling ...

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