'Show how the genre and narrative are established in the opening five minutes of Pulp Fiction, The Krays and Goodfellas.'

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Natalie Hale 10W

                                               Media Coursework

‘Show how the genre and narrative are established in the opening five minutes of Pulp Fiction, The Krays and Goodfellas.’

In this piece of coursework I am going to study, compare and evaluate three films in order to show how the genre and narrative are established in the opening five minutes of each. The three films I have chosen to study are ‘Pulp Fiction’, ‘The Krays’ and ‘Goodfellas’.

Pulp Fiction was released in 1995, it was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and was star studded with the likes of John Travolta (Vincent Vega), Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace), Samuel L Jackson (Jules) and Bruce Willis (Butch). Pulp Fiction has a non-linear narrative; the film follows Vincent’s life and the scenarios he transpires within just a few days. Along with him you meet Jules, Mia, Marcellus and Butch.

Martin Scorsese directed the second film I chose to study. ‘Goodfellas’ was released in 1999. The film’s main stars are Ray Liotta (Henry Hill), Robert De Niro (Jimmy Conway) and Joe Pesci (Tommy Devito). The film follows Henry’s mafia life, from when he was 15 and just making drinks for the gangsters until he is a true gangster himself with a wife and family, having kids make drinks for him. The film’s tag line is ‘Three Decades of life in the Mafia’, without even watching the film you can tell by this that the genre of the film will be gangster. The enigma behind this slogan also gives you an insight to the narrative as you, the audience, think, who has spent three decades in the mafia?

The final film I decided to study was ‘The Krays’; Peter Madak directed this film. This film is autobiographical and is focused around the lives of the infamous Kray twins. Ronnie and Reggie Kray were two east end gangsters who are both dead now. This film is older than the other two as it came out in the cinemas in 1990. Real life brothers play Gary Kemp as Ronnie Kray and Martin Kemp as Reggie Kray. This films tagline is ‘If people are afraid of you, you can do anything. Remember That.’ This is how the twins conducted their lives. I believe this slogan as well as that from Goodfellas portrays the genre of the films.

All these films are from the gangster genre.

Genre is the categorisations of a film. A genre specifies what type of film the film is. There are many different genres such as: romantic, comedy, thriller, horror, teen films, gangster, crime, fiction, sci-fi and historical.  Each genre has different conventions. A convention is something that you would expect to see in that sort of film, for example, the conventions of a thriller would be a killer, a weapon, blood etc.

The three films I will be studying are gangster films; the typical conventions of a gangster film are crime, drugs, cars, guns, wealthy/flashy living and a gangster/mafia lifestyle.

I think it is essential to establish the narrative early on in a film because if your do not clarify the narrative properly, the audience may not follow the film therefore not understanding it properly, which is necessary if you want to make a successful film.

In Pulp Fiction, the lighting used is natural, to give an effect of realism, this would give you a misconception of what genre the film belonged to. The lighting and colour create a quiet, pleasant atmosphere and does not give you an indication to the narrative of the story. The lighting and colour used in this film is completely opposite to that used in Goodfellas, where juxtaposition is used somewhat frequently, when the contrasting colours of black and white are used to display the opening credits. I think the effect of using these colours is to represent good and bad, for instance good vs. evil, which is the whole basis of the gangster/mafia world. I believe this because the colour white is associated with peace for example the white dove is a bird of peace.

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The lighting in the opening of Goodfellas is quite dark and sinister, when Henry is looking out of his bedroom window; the lighting looks as if he is in a prison cell, which is ironic as most gangsters go to prison at some point in their life. It creates a tense atmosphere and builds suspense, as if not all is right and that dark or evil occurrences may happen throughout the film. Using this type of lighting and colour in the opening of the film clearly states the genre. It illustrates that the film will be about good vs. ...

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