Stages of the Journey in 28 Days Later

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Traditions in British Horror:

  • Real subject matter
  • Shot on location.
  • Expressive cinematic techniques.

Stages of the Journey – 28 Days Later

1) Equilibrium – Modern day society. Real subject matter of war violence and rebellion. Relative stability in the western world which is a big treat. Animal Liberation breaks into the Cambridge Research Center where monkeys are being experimented on and this causes distribution.

Enigma - 28 days later. Cuts to Jim who wakes up in the hospital. He fears and looks for somebody else, contact for another human being. He begins to walk in the direction of home and realizes the streets of London are empty and abandoned, a sign that Britain has fallen to decay.  Jim finds a column of missing people posters and it starts to inform Jin what happens.

He reaches a church to find dead people. Church is symbolic, a symbol of hope, good vs. evil and salvation. When Jim gets there, it crumbles into ruins. The priest is possessed. Jim hits him with the bag of Pepsi. Pepsi is a British brand. Jim runs out of the church and into the dark streets perused by the infected where Selina and Mark rescue him.

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They then go a newsagent shop as a place of safety. More British brands are seen, lottery, walkers etc. Introduction to Selina and Mark. Selina is a cold, dispassionate survivor. Mark is a hero we want to follow. The rules are established: “don’t go out at night and not alone” later the rules are broken.

2) Jim wants to find his parents in Deptford, their second place of safety. Jim runs to his house because emotion. When he reaches his house he goes upstairs to find them dead but not infected.

Selina, Mark and Jim decide to ...

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