Characteristics of the Baboon

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Physical Looks

Baboon is a large monkey that has a somewhat dog-like head. Two species of this animal live in Kenya, Africa. The first species of baboons is the Yellow Baboon which lives in Eastern Kenya whereas the second species is the Olive Baboon which lives throughout Kenya. These two types of animals are easily distinguishable from their builds. The Yellow Baboon is somewhat skinner and longer limed than the Olive Baboon.

Habit (where it lives), what they eat/its prey/predator, and Group or solitary

These baboons usually live and travel in groups. They gather in groups at night to sleep in trees or among rocks. They like eating fruits, roots, tubers and grass as well as meat. They are mostly considered omnivorous animals. Their meat diet is in the form of insects and other invertebrates but it also includes hares, young gazelles, lizards and birds. These monkeys are known to be fearless and sometimes attack human when disturbed or feel threatened. They are also known to have scary teeth which make people quite frightened.  

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Behaviors with other animals, Mating/young, and Hunting habit

The Baboon lives in groups of 15-150. The group is made of a few males, many females, and their babies. These monkeys have a complex social structure that are similar to that found in other primates, such as gorillas and chimpanzees. Depending on its dominance, each baboon has a social ranking somewhere in the group. Female dominance is hereditary, with daughters having nearly the same rank as their mothers. Males, however, acquire their dominance more forcefully.  They are known to try to bully other males and cow them into obedience.  Fights ...

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