Uniformed Public Services Unit 2 Assignment 1

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Matthew Woolley                Unit 2 Assignment 1

Styles of Leadership

A definition of leadership is “the ability to impress the will of the leader on those led and induce obedience, respect, loyalty and co-operation (steward (1927))”. Another is “the process (act) of influencing the activities of an original group in its efforts towards goal setting and goal achievement (Stodgill (1948)).

Leaders are basically people that organise a group to perform a task(s). Achieving these tasks depends on good or bad leadership. It can also depend on the style of leadership used. These different styles can affect how the leader is seen by others and how the leader works to achieve the tasks set by them or others. Overall, the style used will determine the effectiveness of the leader and its team.

Types of Leadership

Authoritarian Leadership

Authoritarian leadership is when the leader tells the people what they must do and leaves them with no room to use their own decisions. This style of leadership relies on the leader to give the image of a decisive and hard leader. They must also make it clear that they do not tolerate misconduct or dissent. The advantage of this style is that it gives quick decisions and maintains discipline. The leader is clearly distinguished from the others.

Although this style of leadership is usually effective it does however leave the other members of the team with no input and so the group is only as good as the leader and does not benefit from using everyone’s skills to their full advantage. The leader also does not trust the other team members and generally relies on threats and fear to get the job done. Authoritarian leaderships stop being effective when the leader runs out of ideas or has a bad idea.

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Laissez-Faire Leadership

Laissez-Faire Leadership is when the leader lets the people make their own decisions and the leader takes a more hidden role. This style of leadership relies on the leader to be more personal with their team. This induces trust in the team as a whole and the team members feel empowered. The leader is also able to delegate.

This lax style, however, means that the goals set may not be achieved as the roles and responsibilities are usually poorly defined. This consequently is regularly used as a cover for bad leadership.

Bureaucratic Leadership

Bureaucratic ...

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