Discuss the extent to which Gabrieli's "In ecclesiis" can be understood as an example of the new Baroque style.

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Discuss the extent to which the Gabrieli can be understood as an example of the new Baroque style.

In ecclesiis has distinct features from both the late Renaissance and new Baroque style. It was published in 1615, after Gabrieli's death, and would have been composed during the transition period between the two styles. Here are some examples of how the piece can be seen as both;

First impressions of In ecclesiis would provide the idea of a Renaissance styled work. This is due to the plainchant, stepwise motion in the counter tenor part in bars 1-3. However there is also use of ostinato starting in bar 3 of the bass suggesting the new style of baroque.

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Another very Baroque feature in this work is the use of 14 parts and a basso continuo. The combination of solo voices alongside a choir and a group of instruments is a very obvious feature which is defined as Baroque. The grouping of solo voices with a continuo bass which is heard in the first few bars of the piece is a texture created in the early Baroque period called monody.

Often the singers would be placed in different parts of the building, which would divide the choir called 'cori spezzati' which could create antiphony. There is ...

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