Music Analysis. "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" is a special song from Michael Jackson

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“Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough” analysis

mus 15

yixin li

music analytical essay

"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" is a special song from Michael Jackson. This song represents a lot of firsts come from Michael Jackson. It was the first single song from “off the wall” album, also it was first recording by Michael Jackson made that he had  complete creative control over.  Before, many of his song were written by Quincy Jones, but Michael Jackson wrote this one himself. It was also his first solo song to get a music video.

The whole song is base on the words “lovely,” “fever,” “power,” “happen” and so on. The first syllable of these words is sung on D#, the major third in the key of B. The second syllable is on the A below, the flat seventh in B. The interval between these two notes is a tritone. It created a strong emotional confliction and resonance with all the audience, which makes this song just awesome.

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Western music theory is based on the buildup and release of tension. One of the best ways to create tension is with dissonance. The tritone is considered by European tradition to be a very dissonant interval. Every major key has a tritone in it, between the fourth and seventh notes of the scale, When typical western listener hear a tritone, their ear wants it to resolve to a less dissonant interval.

African-American music treats the tritone very differently. The blues uses tons of unresolved tritones. In blues, chords with tritones can functionally feel stable and resolved, “dissonant” though they ...

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