What is the nature of employment in the music industry?

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Chris McAleese

The Music Industry.

“What is the nature of employment in the music industry?”

In my opinion employment is when someone is paid for carrying out a certain task. There are many many types of employment and working patterns some of which are self employment, full time, part-time, sessional, freelance and voluntary. Self employment is where you are employed by yourself and own your own business, full time employment is where you have one particular job and usually work 35 hours or more a week on the other hand part-time employment you do one particular job where you usually work between 1-35 hours a week or below.

One typical example of showing what employment is, is when a buyer wants to purchase 500 CD albums from a record distributor for their shop. However the buyer wants the CD’s in their possession within a certain time. The distributor cannot cope with all the stress and doesn’t think that they can reach there deadline in time. So as a result of this they advertise for someone to come and help them prepare, press and account for the CD’s. The person who enquires about the job after seeing an advertisement in the local paper is then asked to be interviewed and settles a deal or certain salary or price for the work which has to be done and signs a contract. The contract would be agreed by both the distributor and the new employee. The distributor then becomes an employer and the worker becomes an employee. The whole world however evolves around employment; both employees and employers rely on employment to be able to manage a good standard of living especially if family are relying on income because the state benefits are too little for people to live well.

Employers on the other hand however need employees to be able to achieve their aims and objectives also known as targets which there business has been set to make, included in this targets is profit all businesses no matter what they are, are there to make profit in some way, shape or form.

In the music industry there are many types of employment which is needed for the industry to survive some of which are promoters, electricians, engineers, producers, make-up artists, designers, technicians, accountants, finance advisors, stylists, general road crew, roadies, gofers, stage mangers and not forgetting the best until last the performers and managers.

A Promoter to me suggests promotion and advertising, hence anyone calling them selves a promoter organising an event and then not making any attempt to advertise it is not doing a particularly good promotion job. Promoters maybe someone pasting posters everywhere. Good promoters will make mottos and taglines that you're going to read about that particular event in the back of every music magazine going or even see it on the television or poster and or flyers themselves. So basically a promoter organises everything to do with advertising, so they would use designers, photographers, film crews, radio presenters anything that is a form of good promotion and advertising. Everybody in the music industry works together in some way or another because they all have contact with each other.

However all the employment which happens in the music industry has to be considered in the price of the actual venture its self so that wages can be met and bills can be paid not forgetting the performers making a wealthy profit. So personally I think that employment in the music industry is providing a good quality service (which doesn’t happen all the time) for money. For employers to get the best out of their workers (employees) and that employees are not getting ripped off or treated badly there is an employment law this involves contracts.

A contract of employment is an agreement that is between the employer and the employee, by having the employer offer the employee work to do a particular job and agrees to work for the employer in return for wages. An employer would however provide a contract to make sure the employee understands what is required of them, if so they would sign the contract. In doing this, the employee agrees only to do the jobs stated in the contract. However there are verbal contracts which are usually done off the minute or an employer is in a hurry for workers.  However if you break the rules which are in the contract or you don’t do what you said you would do both as an employer and an employee then you are ‘In Breach of Contract’ which is breaking your contract even though the employee has signed and agreed to the content within the contract. For example, if your employer doesn't pay your wages, or you don't work the agreed hours. If an employee is in breach of contract then your employer should try to settle the matter with you informally. They can sue you for damages and loss in the same way you can sue them, however damages are only awarded for financial loss (for example, if you don't give enough notice of leave, damages might be for the extra cost of hiring temporary staff to do your work, or for lost revenue/profit. You would still have the right to wages you earned before you left, plus pay for untaken holidays). The most common breaches of contract by an employee are when you quit without giving proper notice, or when you go to work for a competitor when your contract doesn't allow it. On the other hand if an employer is in breach of contract you should check the terms of your contract to make sure. If there has, you should try to sort out the problem directly with your employer first of all. An example of common breaches of contracts is when you are asked to do something which is not in your contract and do not receive a bonus or that you are not given holiday pay. So if you can't sort the problem out with your employer, you can decide to take legal action. You should think carefully before taking any legal action against your employer. You should ask yourself what you want to achieve and how much it will cost. If you are a member of a trade union it would be a good idea to get advice from them first. There are also such things as Employment Tribunals they help cases involving employment disputes and issues. They're less formal than courts, but you give evidence on oath, and if you lie you can be accused of perjury. This is why it is so important for both an employee and employer to sign a contract to show they understand what is required of them and that they agree with what they will have to do and will do it. This is my overall view on what I think employment is. 

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One of the types of employment is being self employed. Self employment is where someone who works for themselves instead of being employed by another person or organisation. Although being self employed means that you are in control of everything that happens with in your business. Also a self employed person in the United Kingdom is known as a sole trader or the company is known as an incorporated limited liability company. Many people, who form a business, run it only part-time or concurrently while they’re in a full time job.

The biggest difference of being employed ...

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