Mark Cooper 3P Acquisition of Skill 30/04/07

Acquisition of Skill

What is Skill?

Physical education evolves around skill.  It is important that you don’t get skill and ability mixed up.  Skill can be learned and improved if practised.  Ability is also known as ‘natural ability’ it something that you are born with and cannot be learned.  An example of skill is a cricket bowl you learn how to bowl if practised your bowling will be more consistently on target.

 A good example of ability is being born with good eye coordination mean you have the ability to focus on an object quicker than most people.

Skill Classification

Some skills are hard to classify as some skills can be classed as more than one category.  However classification does helps to understand the nature of the skill and how it is performed. Most skill classification systems are based on the view that motor skills are affected by three factors:

How precise a movement is

Whether the movement has a definite beginning and end

Whether the environment affects the performance of the skill


Continuums split is several sections, which categorises the skill on a scale.

From Honeybourne, Moore and Hill 2nd edition: - ‘in order to understand fully the nature of a particular skill, we need to analyse it. The traditional way of doing this is by classification but this can be very unsatisfactory and inaccurate because skills have many characteristics, which can change in different situations. For example, catching a frisbie involves large muscle movements and involves the catcher adjusting their movements according to the varied flight of the frisbie. It is very difficult to classify skills neatly, but to make teaching and learning more effective it is essential that we fully understand skills.’

1. The Gross and Fine Continuum

This continuum is concerned with the precision of movement - gross and fine skills

Gross skills: involve large muscle movements, where the major muscle groups are involved. The movements are not very precise, and include many fundamental movement patterns such as individual sports like jumping and running. An example of a team sport would be a cricket bowl and an example for a racket sport could be a return in squash.

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Fine skills: involve intricate movements using small muscle groups, tend to be precise and generally involve high levels of hand-eye coordination. A snooker shot or throwing darts are individual sport examples of fine skills.  A team sport may be a basketball free throw and an example of a racket sport is a table tennis serve.

2. The Open and Closed Continuum

This continuum is concerned with the effects of the environment on skills - Barbara Knapp's open and closed skills.

Open skills: sports such as Netball, Football, and Hockey usually involve open skills. This is because ...

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