James Dewhurst CDH2 TPF


This essay will discuss the role of a leader in a given sporting activity. It is essential for a team or an individual performer to have the influence of a good leader for them to succeed in their sport.

Leaders are very important in team or individual sports. Leaders contribute to the mentality of their team mates, as they are called upon to motivate and boost spirits within the team. Leaders need to take control in a game situation and lead by example. Factors like these help boost the overall performance of a team or individual.

"In sport the role of a leader can be essential. A team without good leadership can lack direction and ultimately may fail."

(Galligan et al, 2000, p. 112)

There are many qualities of a good leader. Factors which make a good leader include being a good motivator and good communicator. These would be important because a leader needs to communicate and motivate their team in the dressing room. It is their job to inspire the people around them to perform to their best ability. If a leader was quiet and shy, then the rest of the team may not take them as serious as they would if they were loud and inspiring. The suggested factors required to be a good leader include:

  • Sport-specific skills/knowledge
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Peer respect
  • Good communication skills
  • Empathy
  • Consistency
  • Fairness                                    

(Galligan et al, 2000, p. 113)

It is important for a leader to have a good knowledge of their sport as they should be able to make reliable decisions and instruct other to do so as well. Having a knowledgeable performer in charge could well boost the performance of the whole team.

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Interpersonal skills are another very important factor which makes up a good leader. The leader must be able to communicate with their teammates in the most successful way.

To do this they must get to know the people surrounding them to understand the most affective way of getting a message across. They must also understand the importance of teamwork and make sure their team mates understand this.

"A productive team has players that share common goals, a common vision and have some level of interdependence that requires both verbal and physical interaction" (www.brianmac.demon.co.uk)

Peer respect ...

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