Comments on shot putting techniques (students)

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Comments on shot putting techniques (students)

I have obtained digital pictures of students throwing a shot put which I will try and comment on what they are doing wrong and describe the type of muscles they are using.

During a shot put the following joints are used, foot, knee, elbow, and shoulder.

Antagonistic muscles used attached joints, contract and relax.

Agonist muscles used biceps and triceps.

To obtain this maximum contribution to speed, the stronger, larger, but slower muscles must be used first (thighs, trunk); followed by the weaker, smaller, but faster muscles of the arms, hands, feet, and lower legs. Although there is a sequence involved, it is imperative that all the forces be applied as simultaneously as possible.

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Before describing the students let me describe a professional attempt at shot putting to make it easier to compare.

To describe the above pictures as you can see the person starts with a relaxed low posture and has his elbow high, while the shot put is just about touching his neck.

  1. Then you can see his hips start off balancing.
  2. He slowly starts extending his rear leg.
  3. When the rear leg is fully extended the glide is low and fast.
  4. The shot putter gets into the power position with his hips open and his shoulders ...

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