Define personality and how personality affects performance

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Unit17        Task1        Catriona Quigley

Define personality and how personality affects performance (Task1/P1)

While there are many different theories of personality, the first step is to understand exactly what is meant by the term personality. A definition would be that personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique. In addition to this, personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life.

There are a number of theories and approaches that have been suggested to try to explain personality and how it can influence sports performance. The main theories I will look at are:

  • Sheldon's Constitutional theories (1942)
  • Trait Theory
  • Cattell’s 16PF
  •  Situational Approach
  • Social learning theory
  • Type A and Type B
  • Interaction Approach

There are many different theories on personality which affect performance but none of them can ever be exact.


Sheldon's Constitutional theories (1942)

One of the first attempts at a theory of personality was Sheldon's constitutional theory, which related personality to soma type. Sheldon believed that different body shapes created different personalities.

Endomorph - Endomorphs are predisposed to storing fat, known to be sociable, friendly and fun loving.

An endomorphic individual typically has short arms and legs and a large amount of mass on their frame. Their mass hampers their ability to compete in sports requiring high levels of  or  and perform sustained weight bearing  activities such as running. Sports of pure , like power lifting, are perfect for an endomorph. They can gain weight easily and lose condition quickly if training stops. However the endomorphs can play at low club levels and are very social. They are usually the great club person whom attends all events and enjoy the company of the rest of the team.

Mesomorph - usually referred to as muscular. Known as outgoing, confident, risk taking, adventure loving.

A mesomorphic individual excels in strength, agility, and speed. Their medium structure and height, along with their tendency to gain muscle and strength easily makes them a strong candidate for a top athlete in any sport. They are usually seen as top performers and are usually always first on the pitch/field. They can sustain low body fat levels and find it easy to lose and gain weight.

Ectomorph - usually referred to as slim. Known as tense, shy, introverted, socially inhibited

A predominantly ectomorphic individual is long, slender and thin, and therefore power and strength sports are perhaps not suitable as their slight build leaves them susceptible to injuries. While they can easily get lean and hard, their lack of musculature severely limits their chances in sports requiring mass. Ectomorphs dominate endurance sports and gymnastics. They can archive low levels of  which can be detrimental to health and for females in endurance sports it can result in a cessation of  and iron deficiency.

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This theory had gathered some kind of validity in that we use our first impressions to make assumptions about people’s personalities. We use things such as physique, clothing, hairstyle, tattoos and other types of visual information to make an assessment upon what a person will be like and in what way they will behave. Within sport certain body types are attracted to different sports as their body type may make them successful in that particular sport. For example within sport long distance runner tend to be more of a ectomorph structure and we could see them as being shy ...

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