Define skills and explain what makes a skilful performance

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Define skills and explain what makes a skilful performance

Skill classification

Motor Skill:

Motor ability:

Classification system

  • Open skills- These skills are performed and participated in within a changing environment where there will never be a correct ‘thing to do’ or time to do it

  • Example- a receiver of a tennis serve will not be able to asertain exactly when the serve will come towards them, the placement of it within the service box, the speed at which it will be travelling and whether or not there will be spin placed onto the ball.

  • Closed skills- Oppositely, closed skills will take place within a stable and very predictable environment where the performer is aware in advance of the action to perform and when they should do it.

  • Example- The server in tennis, they are in complete control of when to    complete the serve, the direction in which it will be paced and the speed at which it will be travel. They are also in control of whether they put any spin onto the ball.

  • Gross- This classification of skills contain the skills in which major muscle groups are being used in order to perform the action

  • Example- A runner is involving major muscle groups in order to perform the action that makes his/her body move.

  • Fine- The opposite to gross, here very small muscle groups are involved in the action/movement.

  • Example- Playing the piano

This next classification of skills below is based on the difference of the beginning and end points within a movement.

  • Discrete- these skills have a clear beginning and end, the skill can be repeated but the performer would need to ‘start the action again’.
  • Example- in a tennis serve in which the movement starts when the performer prepares to toss the ball in the air and ends when the performer has finished his/her follow through.
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  • Serial- this type of skill is made up of a few discrete components, put together to produce an integrated movement. Within this type of skill, the order/sequence in which the components of the movements are performed is important.

  • Example- when the triple jump is being performed the sequence is sprint, three hops, and the take off. These steps have to be performed in a set order.

However serial skills are also discrete as there is a clear beginning and end, so in many ways the skills overlap.

  • Continuous- these skills are those that ...

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