Discuss the differences between skill, ability, and technique and explain how you would structure practices to enhance these components of fitness.

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 Discuss the differences between skill, ability, and technique and explain how you would structure practices to enhance these components of fitness

This essay will discuss the differences and development of skill in the sporting environment.  It is essential that we understand the different types of skill, and the difference between skill, ability and technique and how they link with technique and are enhanced by structured practices.  

Skill can be defined as:

“Skill is an organized co-ordinated activity in relation to an object or situation which involves a whole chain of sensory, central and motor mechanisms”                                                

(Welford, 2000:page-102)


This definition of skill shows that skills are learned with a goal to achieve which makes it differ to ability and technique. Skills are a combination of sensory, central and motor mechanisms put together to achieve a goal.  For example, kicking a football.

There are four different types of skill, which are: -

Cognitive skill involves performers mental ability to solve problems, plan and make decisions, as well as their understanding of the nature of their sport.  For example

Perceptual is how your brain may interpret information.  

Motor skills involve muscular system and concern movement and muscular control.  Perceptual motor skill is a complex process and involves several skills. In hockey dribbling a ball around cones could be used a skill.

People are born with innate ability. You would need ability to learn a smash in badminton e.g. hands eye co-ordination. Lists of abilities that can enhance structured practice are as follows: -hand eye coordination, balance, flexibility, speed, reaction time, strength, mobility, agility, resistance to injury, power and precision.

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Ability is innate, people say but it can be developed upon.  

“Basic skills can be developed upon with the correct learning environment but however without innate ability you will never become a super star”.


From this definition we can see that the ability that you are born with innate, can be developed upon but you still need the correct basic skills to perform it correctly.  A technique in trampolining would be the hyperextension at the top of a straight jump.

Technique can be practiced and is the correct way of carrying ...

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