Discuss the role of feedback in the learning of skills

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Discuss the role of feedback in the learning of skills

Feedback is “information received in response to something done.” (Collins English dictionary) (1992)

        There are different types of feedback:

Intrinsic feedback- this type of feedback comes from with in the performer themselves about the skill they have just performed “kinaesthetic sense” (Edexcel book) (Frank Galligan, 2000). E.g. A cover drive in cricket- the performer will know how well they have done by the end result and the feeling they got from striking the ball.

Extrinsic feedback- this comes from an external source like coaches, fans or teammates. E.g. a tackle in football might be applauded by fellow teammates if it is good.

Positive feedback- concentrates on the good side of the skill, performed. This encourages the performer and makes him aware of the good things. E.g. a dive in swimming- a coach might have praised the beautiful entry to the water.

Negative feedback- these are the things that need to be improved about a technique and what was bad. E.g. drive in golf- the balance of stance might need to be improved in order to hit the ball straight.

Positive and negative feedback can be given intrinsically or extrinsically.

Terminal feedback- this is information given after a skill is performed. E.g. lay-up in basket ball- either positive/negative feedback will be given.

Concurrent feedback- this is given while a skill is being performed e.g. running a marathon, a performer will be given either positive or negative feedback from a coach or fans. Terminal and Concurrent can be extrinsic or intrinsic.

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Finally Knowledge of performance (KP) and knowledge of results (KR) are forms of feedback, these both can be either be extrinsic or intrinsic. Knowledge of performance is basically how well the technique was performed in the skill. E.g. how good/bad the technique was in performing a seat jump. Knowledge of result is information about the end result of the skill. E.g. a penalty in football, whether the performer scored or not.

        There are different stages of learning that we go through and different types of feedback are suited to each stage a leaner goes through. These stages must be complete ...

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