Factors influencing participation in sport.

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Factors influencing participation in sport.

Some people have very different views on training and the factors that affect them to participate in sport. They have very different attitudes to training.

I'm doing climate affecting participation.

Some people may want to go out in the rain and train as they may find this enjoyable, but a lot of other people may dislike the cold and wet weather and stay indoors to participate in sport or just sit about.

Also the majority of people would rather be outside, but in the warmth, with the sun shining.
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The country's climate is a big factor that affects the participation and type of sport that they do, this also affects their attitudes towards training, for example, people in Australia will play more outdoor sports such as windsurfing and skateboarding as their climate is ideal for this type of exercise.

Kenya has produced a lot of world class athletes, this is due to their climate, hot and dry all year. This encourages people to train a lot more and also outdoors.

Kenya are world class at long distance running as are morocco, this is mostly due ...

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